J.Y. Park updates fans about upcoming Wonder Girls album!

Discussion in 'Korean Entertainment' started by _Fahrenheit_, May 1, 2011.

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    J.Y. Park recently posted an update on Twitter to keep fans in the loop about the Wonder Girls’ impending comeback, heartening Wonderfuls who’ve been waiting for news.

    First tweeting in English, he wrote, “Having the world-best musicians, artists, companies involved in the WG’s album is delaying the process. If u c who they are you’ll forgive me!

    In Korean, he further added, “I’m sorry about the Wonder Girls album being so late. You’ll be able to understand and forgive me once you see that the world’s best composers, singers, and companies are involved. Because they’re the busiest people in the world, I can’t have everything my way, but everything’s slowly coming to a finish. I’d like for you to anticipate it!”

    Fans responded with comments like, “I keep creating expectations for this. I really want to see it soon!”, “If a good album is delayed because of quality I can wait for it forever”, “Please have domestic promotions as well”, “Because it’s an international album, I’m really waiting for it.”

    Are you anticipating the Wonder Girls’ album?

  2. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    Overall, I'm not a big fan of WG. Still, I'm curious as to what they can offer.