Jacqueline Law's Ashes Will Return to Hong Kong

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by b-lee, Jul 6, 2012.

  1. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ


    The funeral service for deceased Hong Kong actress, Jacqueline Law (羅慧娟), has concluded in Singapore. Suffering from pancreatic cancer for the last 2 years, 46-year-old Jacqueline Law passed away on June 30, 2012. Many of Jacqueline’s friends, such as Kitty Lai (黎美嫻), Monica Chan (陳法蓉), Dicky Cheung (張衛健 ), and Eugena Lau (劉美娟) especially flew to Singapore to mourn for Jacqueline’s death. Yesterday, Jacqueline’s body was cremated. Her husband, Lau Chi Man (劉志敏) flew back to Hong Kong with Jacqueline’s ashes.

    Jacqueline’s funeral service was held at Singapore’s Mount Vernon Sanctuary, in the Grace Service Hall, under Christian tradition. The hall’s high ceilings and majestic setting allowed for a grand memorial service. At the funeral, Jacqueline’s friends sang Amazing Grace to bid their friend goodbye. When an 8-minute clip of Jacqueline’s last words were played, all the guests present burst into tears of grief. The memorial hall was also decorated with numerous photos of Jacqueline smiling. Copies of Jacqueline’s DVD–chronicling her struggles in life, including suffering from pancreatic cancer–were distributed to guests.

    Jacqueline Law Remembered by Good Friends

    Jacqueline Law was remembered by friends for her cheerful personality. She easily shared her laughter and lived life to the fullest. Monica Chan, Kitty Lai, and Dicky Cheung’s eyes were swollen from crying at the funeral service yesterday. Monica and Kitty were Jacqueline’s closest friends who shared her last days of life together. After Jacqueline’s body was cremated, Monica and Kitty cried uncontrollably and unable to speak with the media at length. Monica gathered herself together and said, “Thank you everyone for your heartfelt concern.”

    On a flower basket from Jacqueline’s elder brother, it was written, “I love you very much. I am very proud to have you as my younger sister. In this present life or future life, we will always be siblings. One day, may we be able to reunite once again….”

    Jacqueline’s mother was not present, since it was considered to be taboo for an elderly parent to attend her own daughter’s funeral. Jacqueline’s mother wrote on her flower basket, “Jacqueline, my dearest daughter, you will forever be alive in my heart.”

    Dicky Cheung said, “Although Jacqueline’s life was very short, but she shone brightly throughout her life, especially towards her last days. Although Jacqueline has left us, she left behind a positive legacy.” Dicky indicated that he will attend Jacqueline’s memorial service in Hong Kong.

    Jacqueline Law’s Ashes Return to Hong Kong

    After the 45-minute funeral service in Singapore concluded, Jacqueline’s body was escorted away in a white casket to the cremation site. Jacqueline’s husband, Mr. Lau, emerged holding Jacqueline’s ashes close to him. Crying emotionally earlier, Mr. Lau allowed the press to take photos, while urging them to convert to Christianity. Mr. Lau said, “Hopefully, you will listen to Jacqueline and believe in the Lord, okay? Next week, there will be a memorial service [in Hong Kong].”

    Mr. Lau also asked the press to give him privacy and space to mourn after the funeral rites were completed. On July 5th, Mr. Lau flew back to Hong Kong with Jacqueline’s ashes. He indicated that when it was time for his own death, he wished to be buried with Jacqueline in Hong Kong.

    Sheren Tang (鄧萃雯), Louie Castro (賈思樂), and Annie Liu (廖安麗) were unable to attend Jacqueline’s funeral service in Singapore. However, it was understood that they will be attending the memorial service to be held in Hong Kong on July 12th.

    Stephen Chow Cold-Hearted?

    Although Stephen Chow (周星馳) had dated Jacqueline for 3 years after collaborating in TVB drama, The Final Combat <盖世豪侠>, Stephen remained quiet over her death and did not send a funeral flower basket. Although criticized by the press as being cold-hearted, Stephen allegedly did not wish to fuel any negative gossip over Jacqueline’s death. Since Jacqueline is survived by her husband, Stephen did not wish tabloids to focus on his former relationship with Jacqueline.

    Cred: Oriental Daily