Friday September 8, 2006 Hong Kong Jade Solid Gold Charts (06 Sept, - 12 Sept, 06.) 1. 豬先生- Andy Hui 2. 情歌- Justin Lo 3. 熱浪假期- Twins 4. 我們的序幕- at17 5. 餘震- Hins Cheung 6. 問號先生- Niki Chow 7. 愛得太遲- Leo Ku 8. 一刀兩斷- Kelly Chen 9. 不了情- Hu Lin 10. 盲年- Pong Nan NEXT WEEK'S CONTESTING SONGS 手忙腳亂- EO2 失常- Ella Koon 觀世音- Andy Lau 白眼- Mandy Chiang & Don Li credits: tvbcity, asianfanatics.
yay..andy hui made it to the top..i wonder is it the mr piggy song..cuz i like it..but cant believe kelly and leo ku new song is kinda below...