Thursday August 31, 2006 Hong Kong Jade Solid Gold Charts (30 Aug, 06 - 05 Sept, 06.) 1. 大喊包- Alan Tam & Kelvin Kwan 2. 豬先生- Andy Hui 3. 情歌- Justin Lo 4. 飊汗- Joey Yung & Alan Luo 5. 餘震- Hins Cheung 6. 熱浪假期- Twins 7. 我們的序幕- at17 8. 鄭重聲明- Kevin Cheng 9. 問號先生- Niki Chow 10. 愛得太遲- Leo Ku NEXT WEEK'S CONTESTING SONGS 浮光掠影- Ryan Hui 愛才- Janice Wei 歡迎光臨- Charmaine Fong 鬥苦- Jordan Chan credits: tvbcity, asianfanatics.
^ aww wow most of my favourite songs are theyre i hope they all get a chance and reach number1 as i think they all deserve it ... maybe a week each, as it'll make it fair hee hee