Jay Chou's Carry On Luggage - Really Doesn't Bring Underwear!

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by shinobi, Oct 8, 2006.

  1. [​IMG]
    Sunday, October 8, 2006 Taiwan

    Jay Chou just came back to Taiwan from Japan, to spend time with his mother for Moon Cake Festival. He has to go to mainland China to promote new album "Still Fantasy" too. Before he went overseas though, it was reported that his carry on luggage, he doesn't carry underwear!

    After debutting for six years, Jay has been nicknamed as an "astronaut", and he has made it a habit to fall asleep right when he boards a plane. Also, whatever's in his luggage is things he needs to bring overseas, and he doesn't change anything when he comes back. He just puts it at the company, so he saves the trouble of packing every time he has to go out of the country.

    Most people going out of the country will bring underwear, but Jay doesn't. He doesn't wear underwear and doesn't even white undershirts. He likes to wear tshirts, and also likes to wear suits, but he doesn't like to wear a undershirt underneathe.

    Besides clothes, shoes, Jay brings a lot of other accessories, including hats. Also, he is nearsighted, so he brings glasses. Whenever he's not doing a public thing, he wears his glasses to let his eyes rest. He also brings an electric razor to shave.

    Usually music composers and producers can't not bring recorders or computers when they go out of the country, but Jay doesn't have any of those. Usually composing with a piano, sometimes when he goes out of the country, he will write songs. Once he had a feeling for a new song, and he used his assistant's camera to record it down.

    David Tao and Alexander Wang can't not have a computer when they go overseas, but Jay doesn't use MSN and he doesn't rely on computers to help him produce music. If he wanted to contact Nan Quan Mama or people online, he'll ask his assistant to borrow a computer to use. He also has CDs in his luggage so he can listen to music when he wants to. A lot of times, he brings already-made Demo tapes to listen and contemplate how to make them better.

    credits: sina, asianfanatics.
  2. ms-jojo

    ms-jojo Well-Known Member

    uh.. no underwear? are you sure? it's too Paris Hilton for me to believe. xD
  3. madkute

    madkute Well-Known Member

    I've read somewhere he hasn't worn underwear for years....that's good too...but I wonder if he just wants to shock the public, u know?
  4. haha... i thought this was old news... didn't he say he's more inspired this way?? -lol
  5. lawltank

    lawltank Well-Known Member

    Can't blame a guy for liking a lil wind down there...
  6. flaresz

    flaresz Well-Known Member

    erm thats kinda wierd, but hey, its up to u what u wanna wear isnt it?
  7. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    Lol. Shouldn't it feel weird without an underwear...
    But oh well.
  8. kkhui

    kkhui Well-Known Member

    0_0 ..................................................................................

    well....... this is the first time i've got wind of this..... speechless......
  9. platinumdrops

    platinumdrops Active Member

    its the first time i've heard of this news... i'm quite shocked but at the same time, its not really that much of a big thing. loads of people dun wear underwear, just like loads of people don't wear clothes to bed (i do tho)...
  10. 23kenn

    23kenn Well-Known Member

    eww.. no underwear lol
  11. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    uh, wtf?
  12. chihuahuak85

    chihuahuak85 Banned

  13. chihuahuak85

    chihuahuak85 Banned

    dat must mean he has billions of underwear
  14. chihuahuak85

    chihuahuak85 Banned

    wat a dork
  15. chihuahuak85

    chihuahuak85 Banned

    why would anyone deprive himself of underwear?
  16. Giniro

    Giniro Well-Known Member

    Why he skip underware lazy to do laundry