Jay on the cover of "ELLE" Magazine. Revealed that he dislikes his wild personality

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by shinobi, Oct 15, 2007.

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    Monday October 15, 2007 Taiwan

    Jay on the cover of "ELLE" Magazine. Revealed that he dislikes his wild personality

    Jay Chou graced the cover of October's issue of female magazine "ELLE", becoming only the third male artiste in 16 years to do so in the magazine's history. Asia's little heavenly king expressed with joy, "I'm very glad, hope that I helped!"

    Jay was in a good mood during the interview, it is rare that he is so open and light-hearted during interviews. He said in the interview that he felt that he was pretty "wild" in the past, acting like a super-star and was very 'Diao'. "From all my experiences from acting, I got the chance to work and interact with Fa Ge (Chow Run Fatt) and Gong Li. After meeting them, I realised just how a big star should be. Their humbleness left a deep, long-lasting impression with me. Perhaps if you are a little more restrained and humble, people will understand you better."

    Speaking on his love life, Jay expressed that being in love in a very tiring thing. "(Because) I keep a lot of things to myself and in the end hurt the other, she may not understand (me)."

    Jay also said, "If I am a lady, I'll like someone like Leehom, honest and talented." Though he has never thought be how it is like being a women, but he did though of "if I was someone else, will I like Jay Chou?" His answer? "No! And I think I'll hate this person because we'll have similar personalities, and hence it is better not for us to meet."

    credits: elle magazine.
  2. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Yuck ... what a big disappoint? He's not all that yet people continue to blow things out of proportion. I think celebrities like Wang Lee Hom; who's more talented, educated, and better looking than him is more deserving than Jay to represent Asian on the Elle cover. No offense to the fans intended.
  3. nicole

    nicole Well-Known Member

    Well at least he's willing to admit he has his faults.
  4. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    what wildness ....? -huh?
    just look at him, do you see wild?!
  5. madkute

    madkute Well-Known Member


    exactly. not wild personality, but maybe he meant a crazy life??
  6. rockman3

    rockman3 Well-Known Member

    I totally agree the media over blow his fame.. There are many more talented singer have better voice and could even act much better than him but yet he is promoted crazily~~!! His singing is no way to compare with Jacky Cheung, Lee Hom.......
  7. shnukumz81

    shnukumz81 Well-Known Member

    he looks so hot in his picture x)
  8. WinterSky

    WinterSky Well-Known Member

    humm.... hate to say this about a successful asian star... but he sorta looks like a chimp to me (maybe it's the ears... and shadow casted by the eye brows)
  9. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    thats because he's probably the most popular at the moment and is more successful that lee hom which is why he is on the 'ELLE' magazine, and man do we need to respect this. Only the 3rd male to be on this cover. that is an exceptional achievement.
  10. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    like you have alluded in your comment, it's popularity; not talent nor better looking. it's an achievement but not something i would brag or proud of; after all, he got nothing. to me, it's simply luck that he got chosen rather than the other top artists.
  11. philostrate

    philostrate Well-Known Member

    only his hairstyle is 'wild' imo
  12. preciouslost

    preciouslost Member

    wow, can't believe jay chow want to be like leehom, i still support leehom all the way to the end, i would call that talent but jay chou is not that bad himself!
  13. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    lol, i don't like his album cover tho..
  14. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    He didn't say he wants to be like Leehom, he just said that if he's a woman he would choose someone like Leehom. <_<

    LOL @ "I think I'll hate this person because we'll have similar personalities" (on if he is a woman, he wouldn't like Jay Chou himself), I appreciate his sense of humour there.