Jealous girl kills and mutilates good friend

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by negiqboyz, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    A 12-year-old girl from China has been sentenced to a three year rehabilitation programme after she murdered and dismembered her classmate.
    The girl, who has been identified only by her surname Qin, is believed to have murdered her 13-year-old friend, identified only as Zhou, and then cut off her head and arms.
    According to the court, the motive was resentment: Qin was jealous of Zhou's looks.
    The murder took place in April 2012 in Guangxi Province, southwest China.
    The two girls were sixth grade classmates at Nandan County Lihu Yao Elementary School. They are said to have been good friends whose families were neighbours.
    According to court documents, quoted by China's Xinhua news agency, Qin had become envious of Zhou because other children were choosing to play with her instead. Qin, it is claimed, was told she was fat and not as pretty as Zhou.
    The court's judgement described the shockingly graphic details of the murder.
    On the evening of April 10, 2012, Qin invited Zhou to her house to play. As the two watched television together, the court heard how Qin smashed a stool over Zhou's head, knocking her unconscious.
    Qin then attacked Zhou with a variety of weapons including a kitchen knife, a beer bottle, a paper knife and a pair of scissors.
    The court then heard how Qin cut off Zhou's head and arms, put them into plastic bags and cleaned the blood from the scene.
    Because Qin is under the age of 14, Chinese law determines that she cannot be held criminally responsible for the murder.
    Instead of being sent to jail, the court ordered that she should undergo a rehabilitation programme. Her parents have also been ordered to pay the parents of the victim a total of RMB108,000 (£11,400) in compensation.
    The principal of the children's school, Mr Wu, was interviewed by a local radio station and asked about the two girls' characters and looks.
    "Both children had high grades," he said. "Qin was not a confident girl. She was not an ugly girl, but she is a bit chubby. Zhou was tall and slim."
    On China's ever-growing social media networks, so-called 'netizens' questioned the sentence as well as Qin's upbringing.
    "You kill a person and you only have to compensate RMB100,000? This court sure is kind and merciful," one person wrote.
    "With such a strong sense of envy, she will be no good when she grows up either," another wrote.
    "This isn't just a tragedy for a 13-year-old girl. This is a tragedy of society," said another.
    "How have this girl's parents been raising her?" another asked.
  2. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    What is wrong with people these days with cutting people's head off. It's disgusting. First there was a video that got 'viral' on social websites like facebook (man beheading woman), then the thing that happened a week or two ago in London, UK. Some people ram over one of the soldiers and then went and behead him. This world is going crazy
  3. person

    person Well-Known Member

    ........ what the hell.

    The worst part is, she's 12! Kids that age should not be thinking let alone murder. This is a really disturbing story.
  4. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    I blame the parents
  5. nothing surprise me from China anymore...:(
  6. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    I beg to differ.

    This isn't particularly a Chinese problem, nor is it one that results as a product of political ideology; IMHO, it's a classic example of a criminal sociopath that can exist anywhere in the world and at any point throughout history.

    On the surface, the Qin case is seemingly based on the simple petty jealousy of one young girl over what she perceived as the better treatment afforded a friend through the randomness of life. While that may be so, these types of raw teenage feelings are hardly new or unique; for example, their ability to torment youth was popularly set to music and prose by Janis Ian's At Seventeen. Moreover, what differentiates the mundane, puberty driven, coming of age angst from destructive socio-pathology is that the latter bears little in terms of empathy or morals. For those so afflicted, it only matters that they can satisfy their own needs and thwart any frustrations which enter their sphere of existence. A simplistic view of this may be exemplified by a subject who, being flummoxed by an inability to solve a Rubik's Cube puzzle, will smash the device rather than attempt alternative solutions. In essence, anything can be representative of that unsolved Rubik's Cube, even another person's existence.

    For hundreds of years, documentation with horrendous examples exists the world over of children who, without remorse, murder or maim others; victimizing not only strangers, but personal acquaintances, siblings, family members, and even their own parents. The fact that we in the world today can hear of such cases from thousands of miles away, is new, but is only a testament to our advancement in communications technology; such crimes in and of themselves are far from historically unique. Currently though, there is little that the science of medicine or psychiatry can do for these individuals. Shunting them down an avenue of criminal adjudication and subsequent incarceration (as they are, of course, exceedingly dangerous and shouldn't be allowed into the public at large), is about the only humane solution available to most modern civilized authorities. In other, less developed cultures with broader views of jurisprudence and punishment, they may simply be put to death, regardless of youthfulness, as they represent an untenable threat to the community that must be eliminated.

    Though far from being historically comprehensive, here are some links to sites (admittedly sensationalist) that detail various case histories of children who kill:
    #6 ralphrepo, Jun 1, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2013
  7. robsh

    robsh Well-Known Member

    "This isn't just a tragedy for a 13-year-old girl. This is a tragedy of society,"

    I totally agree with that quote. Are we just having too much freedom. or this has already happened before but only the media nowadays would be told of
  8. wilsonli

    wilsonli Well-Known Member

    I agreed with you though with the first three lines it would have been enough.

    This has nothing to do with China, it could happened in US, OK or anywhere in the world. What surprises me is that they only 3 years of rehab, even though she's only a little girl, murder is murder and the most shocking thing is how she did it. I think they should keep her in observation for a longer time, since she might become a potential threat in a future.