Jennifer Tse attended a promotional event for the Clinque skin care yesterday. Earlier on there were reports that her sister-in-law, Cecelia had a miscarriage. There were also pictures that showed a lot of spots on Cecelia's face. Jennifer told reporters "Don't talk to me about the miscarriage. Everytime I see Cecelia, she is happy, my brother is also very happy too. Cecelia and I have very sensitive skin and I think her picture had been the work of a photoshop." Reporters asked if Cecelia would like to have another baby, Jennifer replied "Cecelia hasn't told me about it, nowadays, she talks about Lucas a lot. She is now concentrating to be a good mother." Asked if Cecelia and Debra(mother-in-law) were getting along well? Jennifer stated "I see Cecelia and mommy together a lot. They are very happy and they have become best friends." Jennifer revealed that she is used to being a model now " Nowadays, when I smile, my lips aren't shaking; but I would like to try to be an actress. Nicholas always asks how I am getting along." Source:MingPao Translator:dragon888 @ http://www.************
she looks tres old... lol but seriously who would want to talk about this subject in th open anyways...