Jessica Hsuan's birthday is on August 18th, but she felt unwell (flu) and had to take half a day off to visit the doctor. Yesterday when she started working, she expressed that it was spread to her. She smiles: "the source was when Joel Chan and Leila Tong finished filming a fired up scene, it spread to Leila. That's how it spread, but I also worked during the evenings. (Isn't it sad to have to work and be sick on your birthday?) Working is good, there's a whole group of colleagues to celebrate with me, a few days before my birthday I didn't have to work so I had dinner with some friends." Speaking her birthday wish, Jessica laughed and said: "She again hopes to be happy and good health. Once someone reaches this age, its the same wish. (A year old, is it time to find your other half?) Like I said, let fate decide, don't want to overcharge."