Malaysian family film The Kid from the Big Apple <我來自紐約> held its red carpet premiere in Hong Kong on Monday night. The film, distributed by Emperor Motion Pictures, stars Malaysian child actress Tan Qin Lin (陳沁霖) as Sarah, a young girl raised in New York, who returns to Malaysia to live with her traditional Chinese grandfather (Ti Lung 狄龍). Jessica Hsuan (萱萱) stars as Ti Lung’s daughter and Qin Lin’s mother. When introducing the film, Ti Lung said the movie is about how individuals from two different generations learn to get along. The 69-year-old actor, who has an infant granddaughter, said the film has taught him a lot about his own life. He said, “My granddaughter is a few months away from turning one. She used to cry when I carried her, but now she falls asleep in my arms. It melts my heart! My son has also gotten a lot more mature now that he’s a father.” Ti Lung was all praises when he was asked about his thoughts on working with Jessica. The veteran actor said, “She’s always on time. She does her homework and very easy to work with. Both of us are also dog lovers, so we got along really well.” Jessica said she had a great time collaborating with Ti Lung and looks forward to working with him again. She revealed that there is a scene in the movie in which Ti Lung slaps her face. Jessica recalled, “It didn’t hurt at all. The people he had slapped end up being popular, so I hope he slaps me some more!” Ti Lung laughed and said, “I’ve slapped the Four Heavenly Kings before, as well as Jackie Chan (成龍), Chow Yun-fat (周潤發), and Huang Xiaoming (黃曉明)… so she’s not wrong!” The Kid from the Big Apple is produced by Three Production. It will open in Hong Kong cinemas on April 21. Creds: Oriental Daily