Jesus is back

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Maverick, May 8, 2009.

  1. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    LOL god drinks and that laid back? :p
    and he wears a suit? xD he just looks so in and updated for ah bak
    are they trying to imply that Jesus was a drunkan mistake.. LOL
    i never knew smoking weed makes you turn green! :O
    and i liek how they put Hitler as Marylin Monroe :p
  2. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    Jesus never left, cause how many wannabe Jesus are scamming other believers, they getting rich off these suckers.
  3. As silly as it looks, many religious people will believe these false Jesus', it was written long ago that they will deceive many.
  4. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    im not being funny right but you can ge ta lot of welsh hippy guys who looks liek jesus tho :S>.<
  5. ^ How do you know what Jesus looks like? have you ever thought about that.. or do you go by the skinny frail hippy looking blond haired blue eyed pictures you see. Does that guy you see on the pics even look like he can be a carpenter? no power tools back then either -cry2

    The bible says that Judas had to kiss Jesus on the cheek to point him out to the guards, he looked like an average guy from his society, nothing distinguishing
  6. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    i go for brown hair, brown eyes, brown beard, looks shaggy man lol
    but coz back in the day haircuts weren't so "in" so i presume beard and long hair is right but i dont think jesus did any working out so i don't think he will be muscular so he'll be like an average joe with a bit of tub..
    but then was jesus white or was he more tanned as he as from Jeruselam? coz that's like in the middle east and they have like a tanny colour? :S but if they do he wont have natural brown hair?? ARGH!!!

    i am god -devil
  7. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    We are doomed!!!
  8. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    hey im not actually a bad leader :p
    im good at leading and helping people :box:
  9. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

  10. He was whatever the Hebrews were like back then, middle eastern looking i guess, so black hair. i know a middle eastern girl with natural red hair, you get variations everywhere.

    Considering Jesus was walking about the place and fasting all the time i doubt the tubbyness but thats just my guess
  11. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    @ Mav haha if i was God there is no heaven.. there's LA LA LAND
    and there's obviously a hell but its basicly like the Chinese ideology on hell lol

    and at G... so the stupid media has percieved Jesus wrong.. im going to sue them in a non-christain way just like those anti-racist people changed the Baba Black Sheep to Baba rainbow sheep >.<
  12. ^ Its not the media's responsibility to teach you spiritual things so they are not liable.

    lol rainbow sheep, so they made it gay....
  13. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    ^ it has changed to rainbow sheep for quitea few years now.. and you only jsut heard?
    well i know it's not the media's job ti teach our religious views but then the churches' window pains shows jesus has brown haired white skinned, the coloured crucifix is same too... then you get the media portraying that even more...
  14. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Sure you will create more level in hell then the original 18 :ohnoes:
  15. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    ^ il make more just for those sick bastards out there who's into beastiality and paedophilia...

  16. Ohh thats the roman catholic church and church of England type churches, people tend to feel more comfortable with a jesus that looks like them, but i usually wonder if they would still worship Jesus if he was black, asian, middle eastern (well he is), if not then their love for him is circumstancial and not real.

    Look at christianity on the tv it will only show you catholicism 95% of the time, they wont show you christians who are not catholic. if they do then they show you crazy stuff lol
  17. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    man i wish channel 4 will do an outbreak of interview non catholic christains so that we know more about the other types of christians and what their views of jesus might be hahaa
  18. ^ your view isnt salvation dependant, nobody knows exactly what he looked like but with common sense we know what he didnt look like, doing what he said to do is what is important, looking at different Christian groups on that matter would make more sense