The rumors were true after all. On November 18, TVB singer Jinny Ng (吳若希) announced on Instagram that a “blissful thing is about to happen”, confirming the pregnancy rumors that have been going around since last month. The 24-year-old Jinny announced in early July that she was dating Alex Ho (何兆鴻), who comes from a wealthy Macanese family. In mid-September, Jinny said she and Alex had broken up, but the couple got back together in early October. A few weeks later, Jinny left an ambiguous message on her Instagram, telling fans that she would be taking a hiatus for a year. While her agency said her career break was for health reasons, it was later reported by paparazzi that Jinny was, in fact, several months pregnant. After the news broke out, Jinny was spotted in Macau. Reporters said she was living with Alex and his parents. Jinny stayed mum on this rumor until yesterday, when she finally told fans that something “blissful” was about to happen. Reporters contacted Jinny for comment, but she never returned the call. Her former manager, Simon, answered the call instead. He said, “I’ve talked in the phone with her this morning. She has admitted that she’s three months pregnant. I’m actually very happy for her. I signed her when she was only 15 years old. I watched her grow.” Rumors say that Alex has already booked a spot for Jinny to give birth in a private Hong Kong hospital. The couple are reportedly expecting a baby girl, and will get married in their “lucky year” of 2018, according to feng shui master Clement Chan (陳定幫). Creds: Oriental Daily
Congrats to her and glad they're having her give birth in HK Obviously they weren't at all broken up if she's already 3 months pregnant, unless they broke up and she found out she was pregnant so they decided to get back together again after the fact...