Joey Disapproves of Selling Bear on Auctions

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by candy10013, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. candy10013

    candy10013 Well-Known Member


    Joey had recently designed a purple bear t-shirt for the ‘McDonalds World Children’s Day’ charity and the response has been very enthusiastic. One week after release, the bear has become out of stock, which has led to the bear being sold for 10 times the price on online auction sites. Joey has found this heartbreaking because she thinks selling the charity bear for high prices has meant it has lost its original meaning. Therefore, she hopes this will stop.

    To come up with the bear t-shirt design, Joey had put a lot of effort into it and the final design has ‘HOME’ as its main theme. The meaning behind this theme is that she hopes that children who are ill can get well soon and return home to be together with their families again.

    Joey’s purple ‘fashion bear’ had sold out quickly which led to it being sold on online auction sites for high prices. The original price was HK$20 but this has now risen to 10 times the original price. However, the bears that were designed by Eason Chan, Jan Lamb and Eric Kot are only selling for tens of dollars.

    Joey, who is working in Beijing right now, will join the other artists, next week, to perform at the ‘McDonalds World Children’s Day’ concert, held at the newly-built wing of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. When talking about the immense popularity of the bear she designed, Joey naturally felt very happy about it! However, once she found out that it was being sold for high prices on online auction sites, she felt heartbroken.

    She said “I had put a lot of thought into designing the bear to help the sick children who are in need. The bear was sold together with meals to raise money for charity but now the bear is being sold online for hundreds of dollars. This means that the children who really need the help won’t receive any of the benefits and it has lost its original meaning. If there are any of my fans who are participating in this, I urge them to stop and, instead, donate the money directly to a charity so it will be more meaningful.”.

    Translated by rsung @