Jordon Chan drink drives and hurls vulgarities Hong Kong media witnessed Jordon Chan and girlfriend Cherrie Ying drink driving and dashing red lights after clubbing in Wan Chai on Christmas Eve last year. When asked about the incident, Chan hurled vulgarities at the reporters. Chan who appeared to have drank a substantial amount of liquor, disregarded road safety and drove personally when they left the pub. The fiery artiste hurled vulgarities at the reporters when asked if he was drunk. He also beat a red light in the presence of the media. According to reports, Chan tried to quit alcohol and mend his explosive nature after dating Ying. He also took initiative to build good relations with the media. Ying expressed hopes to get hitched with Chan within two years. With regards to her boyfriend's uncivilized manner on Dec 24, Ying said, "I like him because he's unafraid to show his true self. Moreover, he has never said he's a nice guy!"
okies so hes been caught going through come nuttins been done..?? he still driving nows..??
i dont think celebs should get some extra punishments but i dont think they should get any extra treatment.... they should be considered as normal people la.... n yeah, jordan chan doin this kinda stuff isnt very surprising to me lol...
^ coz he used to be in the 'goo wak jai'...??..:laugh: dunno why...but after reading this it makes me think of his song 'fan jian'
^ lol....i liked his song.... n not jus cuz of goo wak jai la.... its his whole attitude n presentation doesnt look like a goodboy anyway
I don't think celebrities should get harsher punishment or any special treatment. Everyone, regardless of your status, should be judged equally in the due process. Of course, that ain't happening. $$$$ talks .. Like I said before, I don't understand why so many young people are idolizing stars or artists these days. I can understand if those stars are "extremely" good looking where we are just mesmerize or charm by their natural beauty. Frankly, 80-90% of these stars are airheads who are barely high school graduates; whom luckily struck big. They're basically "clown" in reality; okay .. professionally, entertainers. I just enjoy the show.