Jung Sun Hee Reveals Reason Behind Ahn Jae Hwan’s Suicide

Discussion in 'Korean Entertainment' started by jazlynnyee, Sep 14, 2008.

  1. jazlynnyee

    jazlynnyee Fantabulous!!!


    Jung Sun Hee revealed that spiralling debts probably contributed to her husband Ahn Jae Hwan decision to end his life rather than facing the music.

    According to a close friend of Jung Sun Hee, she told them about the dire situation that the model celebrity couple had found themselves in yesterday afternoon. It’s believed that Ahn Jae Hwan failed business ventures saw him raking up debts of nearly 4 million USD. Besides seeing the debt snowballing each day due to interest, debtors also turned up daily at the doorsteps asking for their money back which added to his stress levels. The debtors held Ahn Jae Hwan and Jung Sun Hee at ransom, knowing that they were high profile celebrities. They threatened to reveal their debt problems to the public if they didn’t return the money soon and wreck their careers in a flash.

    Ahn Jae Hwan had been missing for more than a month since breaking off all contact and the reason why Jung Sun Hee didn’t call the police to report him missing was to keep the debt problem from being revealed to the public.

    Following Ahn Jae Hwan’s suicide, many were concerned whether the debts would fall on Jung Sun Hee’s shoulders instead. With regards to this, the police expressed that even though Jung Sun Hee and Ahn Jae Hwan went through the wedding ceremony, they didn’t register their marriage. So in legal terms, they are not lawfully wedded at all on paper. Thus, Jung Sun Hee is absolved from paying the debts accrued by Ahn Jae Hwan and possibly written off.

    Source: Coolsmurf
  2. she lucked out in one way but not in the other...... =\