Just a suggestion...

Discussion in 'Site Info, Rules, Feedback, and Announcements' started by Ham_Sup, Apr 19, 2007.

  1. Ham_Sup

    Ham_Sup Active Member

    Well, as a precaution to spammers, should there be a waiting time for Junior Members to post?


    *(random spammer) posts
    *Tries to post again in next 5 seconds*
    *Sorry! The administrator has specified that users can only post one message every 30 seconds.*

    And then (random spammer) has to wait before posting again (30 seconds might be a bit too much...), but some time to think about what to post rather than posting one-liners such as "lol"

    Also, after members have reached a certain post count (ex. 50+), then this limit is removed? (Seniority has its privileges :D ... well that, and most older members don't spam like hell)

    Just an idea, but is it any good? Or if anyone has any thoughts about how long people should wait before posting?
  2. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ There is already a 45 second wait time in place for members.
  3. Ham_Sup

    Ham_Sup Active Member

    Oh, there really is one? Errrr, guess no need for this thread anymore, was kind of concerned since I saw several threads flooded with one-liners in the Chinese Entertainment section...,