Just started a new (abandonware) game, Lionheart Legacy Of The Crusader

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by ralphrepo, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    For those that have never heard of it (almost ten years old), it was only lukewarm in terms of critical review. But if anyone has ever played games from defunct developer Interplay (Fallout, Descent), one has to realize that just about all their games had a lot of potential. It was a shame that they didn't have their financials in better shape, and had to sell out.

    At any rate, the Lionheart, Legacy of the Crusader game actually plays like a medieval version of Fallout, with the same "SPECIAL" character (slightly modified) creation engine that made Fallout famous. The game seems to be rather incomplete, as it came out around the time that Interplay went under. Still, one can clearly see the gaming pedigree and it seems a shame that they didn't get the chance to fully complete this (I would call it very late Beta, perfectly playable but just not polished). Be that as it may, the game still plays relatively well with all things considered, and I'm really enjoying it. Sort of reminds me of Baldur's Gate, too. The game starts off in old Barcelona, where there are plenty of quests to plow through, and the game is pretty solid. But as one travels further away from Barcelona, the game bogs down and begins to have finesse issues.

    If anyone wants, one can easily find it on Filestube. I happened to have read a short blurb about it somewhere, and on a lark, decided to see if it was available for download. Took a look and there it was, a two disk iso version and then had to look around for the 1.1 patch (takes care of some save issues that cause it to hang when changing screens while joined with an NPC). But, otherwise, the game plays fine on my Window 7 machine. I think this was likely an updated version released by GOG.com (those abandoned game gurus that recode old games to make them work on latest version of windows) that someone then uploaded. Thank you Blackbeard, wherever and whoever you are, LOL...
    #1 ralphrepo, Jan 2, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2012
  2. I jus wiki'd interplay..

    they're making a descent 4!?! clayfighter was coo.. but they're making it for wiiare? :facepalm:

    these were the same guys who brought you Redneck Rampage! that was my shit back then cause they even had those anime mods hahha game was hilarious.. never heard of the game you mentioned might take a look..
  3. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    LOL... Redneck Rampage! That was a sure winner, ha ha... One of the best games in computer history, IMHO.

    At any rate, the thing that I'd stated earlier, Lionheart lacks polish. It takes a tremendous amount of time to level up, and some of the quests are ridiculously hard. Thus, there were balance issues that probably were never really fine tuned before the game went out the door. The game itself, even the thematic art work, appears to be a direct adaption of the Fallout theme. I guess they were looking to replicate their success with a previous winning model in a new set of code. The game quest tree seems almost identical. The musical score is pretty good too except for bumpy segues, some screens had two scores playing simultaneously; ie timing issues between areas. I have a problem with the fact that this is not turned base, and the real time combat engine can be cumbersome. It did take a little getting used to but after awhile one just lives with it in order to play the game. You can get NPC's but they never seem to level up, so they die rather easily as the action gets harder. The difficulty seems to be plotted on a Fallout type curve, but whereas FO (or even Diablo2) had many areas of random encounters to allow one to level up or scavenge, this game doesn't. That means then that you when you get to a very tough area, there isn't any place for you to go to, to buff up or make any money to buy better equipment. Again, the idea was great, but the actual game seems rushed and incomplete. The voice acting is marvelous though.

    Another pet peeve that I have with the game is the perpetual dead bodies that litter the screen. It seems that once something is killed, their dead body graphic will stay on the screen forever. I think it would have lent an air of creepy historic "authenticity" contemporaneous with those times, had the bodies of thieves that you had killed, later crucified (by the authorities, as a warning to others), or gibbeted along the roadways, which was what supposedly really happened back then. Further, the other dead bodies in the woods and forests should attract animalia to feed on them, ie. wolves and other scavengers. The wolves could attack you while birds fly away. Birds can also peck at the hanging dead. Having said that, I'm not so sure that American censors would allow such things given that kids get their hands on these games, LOL...

    As for Descent 4, I for one, would love it. I wish they could go back to a game where modders were encouraged to come up with their own maps (like the first Descent) as I had the greatest fun doing my own.

    BTW: if you want a quick help or hint for Lionheart: LINK
    #3 ralphrepo, Jan 2, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2012