..stops a water bottle with his head. -bowroflarms [video=youtube;b0GjKiy3nSI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0GjKiy3nSI&feature=player_embedded"[/video]
Am much as I don't care about this kid, it's just so wrong to throw that at him...Why was that person even there... But it's still funny.
well done to that guy who threw that bottle ....... i loled hard the time he smashed his head on the revolving door
lol.. and it was a chick who threw it at him... hmm.. thats interesting.. girls got one helluva arm tho
justin bieber, is a little wiener... lol theres a different vid. where he was like "please stop throwing stuff at me" and another one where some girl threw her panties at him lmao.
Word. I feel ya. He's still just a kid, as annoying as I find him to be all over the place. He has even invaded my local karaoke bar. Someone put DIY subs on his music videos and people sing to it. asfkljafjl;kaudl89237482hiafjhafhawjrqklthafjkas'jfglasikhflaf