Kate Moss possing topless for Love magazin

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by roby_photo, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. roby_photo

    roby_photo Well-Known Member

    Here's another one from the new issue of Love magazine, and this time it's Kate Moss, who loves showing off her nipples. I'm not really sure about the point of these photos. I know it's fashion photography, which doesn't always make sense, but are they trying to point out how Kate's top fails at covering her nipples, or just that she doesn't understand how clothes work? After being a model for so long, you'd think Kate Moss would have figured how to wear a shirt properly by now.

    Gallery http://dnevnohr.com/Razno/Kate-Moss-possing-topless-for-Love-magazin.html

  2. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    as far as i'm aware kate is always showing off her nips lol.
  3. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    yeah lol. always showing them off ~