In the Anniversary Kate Tsui has a chance to compete for "Best Supporting Actress", she said this year and last year's performances have beenoutstanding , also encountered strong opponents Tavia Yeung and veteran Lee Heung Kam, she loses confidence towards the award, just hope for a surprise! Last year's anniversary Kate won "Most Improved Actress" in an "improbable" way. A surprising result, it caused her to cry up a storm. This year she will depend on her evil role Lo Ka Mei in "Moonlight Resonance" for "Best Supporting Actress". Asked if she has confidence? She said: "My confidence is not high! First my performance has not been as great as last year, Secondly this year's opponents are strong, besides Tavia Yeung, there is veteran Lee Heung Kam! Although I don't have high hopes, but I hope to have a surprise!" Alex Fong Chung Sun's Electrifying Power Eyes Also, recently Kate has been busy filming with Alex Fong in new series "Hatred of Love", she plays a CID who has a family inherited illness. Asked if her role is challenging? She said: Because the script has not all come out, I don't know what would happen later on, if the role is depressing and I have to cry all the time or commit suicide, I'm afraid of the rest of the filming. Beside I tried to act a character who had mental problems, sometimes my mood would be hard to control, would cry or cannot sleep. (What kind of stress reliever do you use?) I would do exercises and go on vacation! I'm planning to go on vacation after this series finishes. Recently I have been filming series after series, I haven't rested for a while." As to the rumors that its not welcomed by a group of people, she denies this. Kate praises Alex Fong that he's a good father, asked if she would let his electricity "electrocute" her? She smiled: "He's always looking at his baby pictures, so father like, Mass destruction!" Source: Oriental Daily Translated by: aZnangel @ http://******************/forums/
lol Noooooo, u can Beat Tavia kate, lol everyone just wants Tavia to win, coz she got a happy sappy and corny role lol, the cornier , the more chance of winning? kate was sooooooooo much better in MR than Tavia !
phil.....phil....phil, u just have the weirdest taste in acting and movies, dunno what to say.............. hahaha. kate tsui was soo terrible and over acting that she almost ruined the drama along with that chris lai or whatever his name was.
You are so right, remember one of the crying scene in the show one of her eye was tilting, because she can't hold the tear. That was bad...
tavia is so much better than kate in every way! and tavia has been around for so long htat she deserves an award like this!
tavia has been around for so long htat she deserves an award like this lol give it to her coz shes been acting for so long? lol i bet they gave ha yu the award as well, coz hes been acting for what ? 40 years
kate tsui sucks ass guys.she overacts every part she's in. unbelievable character thats why there's so much hate. its just not because she's evil in the show but she makes an uncovincing evil character...
come on now .. just admit it .. you know damn well that tavia is way better than kate tsui. how kate even won an award last year was wwwwwaaaaayyyy beyond me. she CAN NOT ACT. the same with RON NG .. as for look, quite frankly, both kate and ron are not up to par so i seriously don't know what the ooh ahhh from fans .. i bet those fans need to get new glasses or something ... lol
at the end...tavia wins an award..kate tsui least tvb not blind this year in giving the award...
lol are you serious ? Tavia cough cough, she sucks, unless what you call her acting as good? your pretty much fooling yourselfs, or does TVB "have to give something to her coz shes been in for 9 years and recieved nothing ?
she got one last year .. lol .. funny right ... lol i guess the exec must've been drunk or on drugged when they made the decision to give her the award last year instead of bernice or linda ... lol
i would rather have tavia win this one.... she has improved and hell kate still got a lot of work to do...