Supermodel Kathy Chow (周汶錡) today was secretly admitted to hospital and was ready to give birth. She finally delivered her 7.2 pound baby boy through c-section at Canossa Hospital. Kathy Chow's husband Julien, friends and relatives including Kathy's sister Niki (周麗淇) left the hospital together with her assistant. Julien left the hospital with a happy expression. Asked how is his son? He said in English: "Very handsome". [How is your wife doing?] She's very good, she is already awake. [Have you gave your son a name yet?] "Jacques, it's a French name. It has no special meaning". He said he will leave for now and come back later to spend the night with his wife. He was asked whether he will need to work tomorrow? He laughed and said: "This is my work [looking after my wife!]. Creds: Oncc Translated by Asian E-News Portal Edited by Dramasian