Forty-year-old and mother of two young children, Kelly Chen (陳慧琳), still looks incredible in her new “So Hot” music video, which was released on January 24. Universal Music no doubt staged a welcome comeback for Kelly, who showcases her svelte figure and timeless beauty. Since the lyrics of “So Hot” have a suggestive sensuality, Kelly was initially worried that the music video will feature some intimate scenes. Aside from wearing a slinky dress to showcase her long legs, the presentation did not contain any bold intimate moments with the male dancers. Kelly’s husband, Alex, was relieved when he saw the final cut of the music video and laughed at Kelly’s earlier warning. Since her concert in 2008, Kelly has not danced before the camera. Placing precedence over her family in recent years, Kelly was concerned that her dancing will be stiff. One week prior to the filming of the music video, Kelly practiced the dance choreography, especially arranged by her long-time collaborator, Sunny Wong. Kelly said, “I was a bit reluctant when I realized that I have to dance, but I wanted to suit the song and give a refreshing feeling to my fans. Sunny understands me very well and the dance rehearsals went well. I can also lose weight, so I was very happy!” Kelly Chen’s “So Hot” [video=youtube;STcSsgUq6VU][/video]
crap song... she's pretty, especially for a mother of her age, but she's not "SO hot" in this clip, could've been better imo
Good 'ol Kelly... can still give the youngins a run for their money~! She's still just a nice as she was when she was younger
O_O please state your gender: male or female? if male: then........ i question your sexual preference. if female: please post pic of yourself
^so by saying i'm a male, i'm a fag just beacuse i said she aint pretty imo? The logic is a little bit off there, buddy....lmao