Kelly attended "The 30th Anniversary of the Shatin Racecourse" celebration yesterday. Mr. Chan (Kelly's father) was in the audience to support Kelly. When he saw her coming out, he was so excited that he was moving his arms and legs. Kelly was smiling when she saw her father. She later told reporters that her wedding gown was ready. Mr. Chan told reporters he designed all of Kelly's wedding jewelries. "Kelly likes modern design, she doesn't like X'mas tree lookalikes. She had decided not to wear a necklace for her wedding" There was a rumor that he had received a million dollar "red packet" from the groom's family but Mr. Chan refused to confirm that amount. He praised his future son in law, giving him 100%. Mr. Chan revealed "he has been chasing after her for 16 years. It can't be that easy. He also let Kelly to continue her work, not many guys can do that." Source:MingPao Translator:dragon888 @ http://www.************
cnt wait to see her wedding gowns and all the different dresses she'll wear, bet they will def. be gorgeous!