Kenix Kwok Returns to Filming for TVB, Looking Extremely Bony

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by jazlynnyee, Sep 28, 2008.

  1. jazlynnyee

    jazlynnyee Fantabulous!!!


    Since Kenix Kwok lost out on winning the TVB Best Actress Award a few years ago, her relationship with TVB had deteriorated; even her role in "Pillowcase 2" was replaced. Not to be outdone, Kenix accepted a TV interview from ATV, not giving face to TVB. When her contract with TVB expired, Kenix did not renew her contract, hence came the end of the Kenix and TVB's 10 year long relationship.

    In recent years, Kenix mainly went to mainland to make money. But her work was very tiring and her income was not as stable as when she was filming TV series. Kenix had lost a significant amount of weight, looking very bony. A few months ago, Kenix took the initiative to invite Virginia Lok out to dinner in an attempt to patch up things with TVB. Finally, it was agreed that Kenix would film a 40 episodes TVB series called 《金装豪门》, her salary for filming one episode would be $35,000HKD.

    (Note: According to reports, Kenix's past salary for filming TVB series was $50,000HKD per episode. After having not much success in mainland, Kenix now wants to return to TVB, but TVB cut her salary from $50,000 to $35,000. Also, Kenix will only play the 2nd female lead in this new drama, supposedly Anita Yuen will be leading over Kenix.This is the consequence of TVB artists leaving TVB and then asking to come back. )

  2. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    oh my... ewwww...she needs to seriously eat
  3. fly1

    fly1 Member

    Oh my.... that's scary. What's wrong with celebs and their weight? Can't they be happy the way they are!
  4. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    what a pity....she looked better with a bit of meat on her
    shes such a good actress n now shes not even main char anymore...=/
  5. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Yeah .. all the HK actresses are so skinny and bony .. it's kinda scary .. Asians are already skinny as they are but these people are on the extreme to me. I used to like Bernice but even she lost the battle of keeping her vivacious body and hit the skinny trend trail. How sad .. TVB sucks big time if they are treating old veteran artists like that .. the new gangs of TVB artists are nothing but trash .. quality just dropped like a snowball whether in acting or script.
  6. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    awww that's sucks!! i really liked her =<
  7. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    Omg.....she's wayyyy tooooo skinny....

    She used to be one of my faves with michael tao :/
  8. she is skinny! o man.... i guess that is what stardom demands >___<