Kenneth Ma (馬國明) was invited to be a celebrity voter for the 2014 Miss Hong Kong semi-finals, which were held in Tseung Kwan O on Saturday, August 24. On stage Nat Chan (陳百祥), also a celebrity voter, joked to the audience that Kenneth is one of TVB’s top diamond bachelors. Kenneth said, “Yes, it’s like I’m choosing for my wife right now. I will disqualify the ones I like so I can pursue them.” In an interview before the semi-finals began, Kenneth was asked about his thoughts about the contestants and what his judging criteria was. He admitted that he is easily affected by the contestants’ gossip reports, expressing that he prefers women who are more calm and confident. He also said that he would take into consideration the contestants’ personalities and overall impression. Looks and figure come second. “Must have a good balance of everything.” Kenneth was earlier photographed eating a meal with a female friend. Kenneth said that the reports shocked his friend so much that she fell sick. He added that she has not asked him out since. Kristal Tin (田蕊妮), also a celebrity voter, said she would try her best to not read gossip reports about the contestants as that would affect her own judgment on the girls. She said, “We all have our own past. I admire girls who are cultivated and confident.” Kristal said her favorite contestants were #3 Linna Huynh (黃碧蓮) and #11 Sofiee Ng (吳凱欣), both who managed to make it to the finals. Creds: Oriental Daily