Fala Chan forgot the name of friends in cellphone's phone book Kevin Cheng and Fala Chan has earlier been invited as guests to the promotional event of SAMSUNG'S Anycall OMNIA i908 cell phone. The both have expressed that they would not keep details and photographs that were too personal in the cellphone. They had also said that they won't use real names of the artiste at the phonebooks,and would use nicknames instead. This is safety precaution to prevent any leak of information incase call phones were lost. Fala Chan joked "Sometimes i even got messed up with the nicknames that i forgot which person was that." Changed 3 cellphones during the past 6 months Kevin Cheng has changed 3 sets of cell phones during the past 6 months. He said "Because i was always sweating,when filming for "Burning Flame III" i often got wet,thus the lifespan of my cellphones were short." Kevin Cheng had revealed that he had once spent more than $10,000 to buy a cellphone in the past,when cellphones are not popular. The expensive cellphone was being lost in a Taxi. "When i found out i lost my phone when alighting,i chased the Taxi. Unfortunately,the chase was unsuccessful." Credits : MC@ http://mediachamber.net