It has been decided that NTV’s new drama, “Misaki Number One!!“, will be getting a hand from Johnny’s Entertainment group, Kis-My-Ft2. Two of its members, Taisuke Fujigaya and Hiromitsu Kitayama, have been chosen to play the role of students in the drama. “Misaki Number One!!” is about a passionate teacher (played by actress/model Karina), who is also Roppongi’s number one hostess at a club. It is the first time any member of Kis-My-Ft2 will be taking part in a school-based drama, and Fujigaya is looking forward to the experience. “I have watched school dramas before, so I’m very thrilled to be in one,” said Kitayama. “Both Fujigaya and I will work hard“. The drama will begin airing in January.