Kitten: Backup~!

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Dreameclipse, Nov 30, 2005.

  1. Dreameclipse

    Dreameclipse Member

    I just got a kitten awhile ago
    Yeah it was cute and all at first
    Now its most annoying little piece of @)*( ever~!

    its so cute , yet so dumb :woot: :bigthumb:

    Does anyone else have a cat/kitten with how to advice for cat trouble haha?
  2. shhh lips

    shhh lips Well-Known Member

    Well my ex-gf had a cat. Everytime i went to her house the cat would be hiding the tv prob becuase the heat generated from it was comfortable.
    So I would be watching with her, then all of a sudden the cat would quickly pop out and scare the hell out of me.

    My advice dont get a high maintenance pet. Get something like a uhhh....cactus?
  3. Myolie88

    Myolie88 Banned

    it depends what personality your cats have, i have 3 and one is so lazy it sits around doing nothing, the other is playful it scratches things up and the other i never see around becase it's always outside. if i wrecks ur furniture clip the nails or lock it out from a certain room.