So, just as the title suggest, my laptop is overheating T_T i don't know why.. but recently its been overheating like madd. As a result, it hurts to type-_- and i think it kinda screwd up my games. i can't play cs anymore when i try to load it or stepmania. Ive got a Geforce Go 7400 and its 13.1 inches big. so it can play those non-graphic intense games... and graphic intense games.. (can battlefield etc etc) how do you overcome this?
happened when i bought a HP tablet computer, i was running it on carpet and on my bed and i think i kind of blocked the fans... it pretty much killed the entire laptop and i ended up just returning it cuz i only had it for like 2 weeks lol. no idea how something like that could be fixed though, if ur still under warranty maybe u can just send it in
a can of compressed air to the fans/vents. investing in a lap fan powered base for your laptop. if ongoing, return to get it checked.
whuuut,,,hurts when u type.... haha b careful then.... anyways....i always use my laptop while sittin on my bed... nothing has ever happened yet....
thats bcos it would only get damaged when it has overheated massively, which is only caused playing games which require a lot of processor power and hard drive for a long period of time on a soft surface blocking the vents.
If its a HP laptop its normal ^^. Nearly all HP Pav. laptops have temp problems because of the unlogical structure of the fans. U need to keep the parts where the fan is clear otherwise it will overheat like in 10 min. I bought a base tablet with integrated fans as a solution for the problem and it works fine. Ok its bigger and heavier now, but no temp probs anymore ^^
acer i used to have used ot just keep overheating took it back, couldn't resolve problem basically owuld end up idling around 70 degrees or so (celsius that is) only thing i could do was get some hollow pvc tubes to raise it off the desk so theres more ventilation else the whole desk would heat up lolz current lenovo is doing pretty good! hasn't overheated yet =P
a cooling fan isnt so strong, but it does cool the laptop better. i have a acer that doesn't overheat, the sony.. uhh no clue yet.. but the dell old laptop.. it always overheats shuts down itself when it overheated.. but when i used the cooling fan, it doesnt shut down itself that often since it doesnt get so hot.
hehehe yeah...well i never really play games.... && btw...i have an hp pav and the vents are on the right handside...i think hehe
You need some spacing in between the notebook & surface u put on. It should run fine. If you using with table, just place four bottle cap each corner notebook, to level from the table.
nah.. to be honest.. if you go to some retail stores, you can see some hp laptop might be very hot compare to other laptops though. acer to me.. doesnt really get hot... not sure about sony lolz
Use the warranty if you have it, if not then buy some compressed air and clean the fans. Also, invest on a laptop base cooler. You should see the monster I am using now, my laptop is 4 years old and has no warranty. I had to unscrew the base of my laptop and also remove the battery, stand it on it's side and place it near my window just to keep it from overheating lol.
Buy a can of compressed air and blast the vents while the comp is on. Heat sinks are designed to have fins to help thermal exchange. What happens is that dust will collect between the fins which keep the fins from doing their job. Shoot it with some compressed air to get rid of the dust. That will free up surface area and allow the heat sink to do it's job. The same rule applies to your computer. Twice a year, you should clean your heat sink with the compressed air to keep dust from building up and overheating your system.