Lee Heung Kam Returns To TVB

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by shinobi, Nov 22, 2007.

  1. [​IMG]
    Thursday November 22, 2007 Hong Kong

    This year's TVB charity fundraiser show for the Tung Wah hospitals <歡樂滿東華2007> will be taking place on 08 December at TVB City. A press conference was held today to introduce some of the acts for this year's show and performers including Liza Wang (汪明荃), Nat Chan (陳百祥), Joyce Cheng (鄭欣宜), Ella Koon (官恩娜), Yumiko Cheng (鄭希怡) and EO2.

    Towards the end of the press conference, veteran artiste Lee Heung Kam (李香琴) appeared and revealed that she had arranged to meet TVB executive Virginia Lok (樂易玲) regarding signing with TVB again. She explained that contract is due to be signed next week and she plans to stay with TVB for at least a couple of years. It has been nearly twenty years since Kam left TVB at the end of the 80's and she puts her return down to fate after seeing so many other familiar faces returning to TVB, such as Kent Cheng (鄭則士) and Liu Kai Chi (廖啟智).

    Liza revealed that her partner Law Ka Ying (羅家英) has donated HK$200,000 to the Tung Wah hospitals because his mother was treated in one of the hospitals before she died. Liza was pleased that her old friend Kam is returning to TVB and pointed out that together with her and Joyce, they represent three generations of artiste at TVB.

    Joyce revealed that she will be performing some flameball throwing at the show. Asked if her mother, Lydia Sum (沈殿霞), was worried about her taking part in dangerous stunts, Joyce said that she will be well prepared. As for whether Lydia will be making an appearance to show her support, Joyce said that it depends on her condition and she might just stay at home and watch the show on television instead.

    Asked how Lydia's health is, Joyce said that her mother had been for another chemotherapy session and was quite tired. Joyce also commented on the recent reports suggesting that Lydia and Liza had fallen out, saying that Liza often goes to visit them and there is no animosity between them. She added that she was very touched to read the many messages that she received from fans through her blog.

    Yumiko revealed that she will be doing a performance with Kathy Chow (周汶錡) that involves stunt parking. Asked about the incident in last year's show where a wardrobe error resulted in her trousers being pulled off in a trapeze act, she said that this was in the past and she will be more careful this year.

    Due to his other work commitments, Eric Tsang (曾志偉) will not be MC at this year's show, but he will be dropping by to perform a Cantonese opera piece with Wong Cho Lam (王祖藍).

    credits: batgwa.