Legalizing Marijuana?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by negiqboyz, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    I am voting in a week and frankly, I am still debating whether to vote yes on the legalization of marijuana. I am leaning towards no now but as I read more on it, both sides have good points. What do ya'll think?
  2. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    i say yes so street value goes down and less people will get charged...and plus it will make me smoke more hahhahahaha...just my 2 cent
  3. Dh_135

    Dh_135 Well-Known Member

  4. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    Yes because from what I have read about cannabis is that it may cause all those side effects (i.e. paranoia, slow reactions, etc.) it doesn't actually cause deaths like cigarettes do. Fair enough Americans don't roll their joints with cigarettes so you are fine, just that I know the English do but I guess we aren't as hardcore LOL

    Also legalising it will stop one part of the black market to sell these, although LOTS of people have got the marijuana card so it's legal for them to buy it over the counter and carry it around. This also means legalising it, the government can control the amount of THC of the weed by crossbreeding the types of green,

    Think about this negi, if you compare cannabis to all the other drugs out there, you will realise that all the drugs that causes the most trouble, addiction and deaths are all the man made drugs (i.e. pills, cocaine, LSD etc.) Cannabis is a natural drug that has been around for thousands of years just like magic mushrooms and to be perfectly honestly, I think they are safe and wouldn't even cause death.

    Hopefully if most of the American state legalises cannabis, UK will hopefully follow :D
  5. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Legalize it and tax it to generate income, like alcohol and tobacco sales does. It will also remove a lot of criminal financing, and unclog courts and jails of small drug related cases, thereby saving millions of tax dollars.

    Legal or not, people aren't going to smoke any more or any less. So either way, we will have to live with it. So let's live with it in a way that is the most economically and socially advantageous. This is a no brainer, vote YES.
  6. As long as I don't smell that shit when walking down the street. You pose on good points for the economy, but then again are people gonna be smoking weed all day being lazy as shit.. that we'll have to see.
  7. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    People who are going to be smoking, or drinking, or eating to excess... are going to continue to do so whether we want them to or not. Frankly, even if it is legal, I won't, because it doesn't hold any allure for me. And I also stopped drinking years ago. The moral of this is, just because something is legal doesn't mean that it will increase usage. Another fine example is tobacco. Perfectly deadly, and legal. It smells like shit, and we've successfully legislated it to a tiny corner of society. But, those that still want to smoke has to pay heavily for it, with the money going not to the drug dealers, but back to society. It is often missed, but the bulk of retail cigarette costs is in the taxes.

    If we legalize marijuana, we've effectively taken away the money from drug dealers and turned their profits into tax dollars. If we don't legalize it, people will still smoke anyway.

    And if you want to see people become lazy as shit? Turn them into communists. They'll sit around all day and do absolutely nothing. Let them loose selling some pot, and you see what go getting capitalists they can become.
  8. kevin

    kevin RAWR!


    Raise some good points.
  9. nightang3l

    nightang3l Well-Known Member

  10. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    To be honest the smell of weed isn't bad at all. If you compare the smell of tobacco and weed which would you genuinely prefer to smell? I mean just the smell of weed are undoubtedly better so I don't recall burning some cannabis will cause lung/nasal/throat (etc.) cancer to those first & second hand smokers.

    Not everyone gets lazy when on the stuff either. Self experience, if I did take it during the day I would just do the usual things that I do, nothing will stop it. I guess its the whole willpower thing i guess-rockon-rockon
  11. robsh

    robsh Well-Known Member

    I think the best way is to put marijuana in form of a pill
    that should avoid those carbon monox being inhaled and other stuff that aint good for the lungs

    I spoke to a good old friend in Groningen, Netherland who's currently doing research on medical cannabis at a university
    he and a few guys are trying to extract the 'essence' of marijuana, take all the good stuff and make into a tablet/capsule, sell it worldwide

    he even ask me if I wanna invest in his project, I say : Hell Yeah Baby!! but just get past FDA first...

    of course, all those lovely aroma from burning the weed will be gone, think thats the only downside
  12. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    Dude just pure THC in a pill? Man I'll probably end up like being on ketamin (not that i tried that shiz) but I can imagine that!
    Cannabis should work at its best in its natural form and not man made into a pill by extracting the THC from it -noclue
  13. first and foremost.. tobacco is an addictive substance... marijuana isn't. Smoking is bad for you regardless and hazardous to your health. Yes marijuana can distort your senses but so doesn't alcohol. Weed actually has some pro health benefits for certain scenarios while tobacco has none.

    Can't see the downside in the legalization of it.
  14. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Well .. look at tobacco and all the tax dollars that came in .. at the same time, look at all the money now being spent on public health preventive care, smoke cessation and smoking related health issues.

    I finally submitted my vote today and it's NO. I agreed with all the good points mentioned here but I went with my gut answer; sometimes .. it just doesn't make any sense. We'll see how the result pan out tomorrow.

    Frankly, voting seems a bit useless these days. Unrelated, not sure if others followed the story in CA about prop against gay marriage. Californians voted against gay marriage but the high court just dismissed it. What a joke. Then came the case about separation of church and state .. if you visit the court house in the US, religious symbols are still everywhere.
  15. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    come to think of it because it is illegal...hustlers are making mad money which is good lol
  16. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    sure, why not? state needs the tax money
  17. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    Tell me if I am wrong but doesn't American just smoke pure cannabis joints without the tobacco?
    If so there shouldn't be any smoking related health issues
  18. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    I am not sure .. I am not following the news. Thus far, news wise, I heard that ppl are smoking marijuana to reduce pain from chronic medical issues.
  19. iris

    iris Well-Known Member

    Yea they are, although many of these medical issues are falsified. My friend told me about how people would go see doctors and they would be prompted on what to say. "So you're in PAIN, RIGHT?" "This is where it HURTS, right? or something like that.

    With the amount of money people are willing to pay right now for weed, it would be a great source of revenue.
  20. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    I honestly don't understand why people would vote no on legalizing MJ...

    Ralph hit on a lot of good points... U'd also alleviate the drug cartel issue related with MJ, AND all the crimes related to trafficking MJ...