Letter/Suggestion to PA moderators/owners

Discussion in 'Site Info, Rules, Feedback, and Announcements' started by Flyingpigs123, Feb 20, 2007.

  1. Flyingpigs123

    Flyingpigs123 Member

    Dear PA owner, moderators, members of PA,

    Hi! How are you? This post is regarding the structure of the PA site and other problems that I have encountered. I am not complaining; I love PA, best site compared to other websites related to Asian pop culture. Recently, I have encountered many problems and would like to offer some suggestions and possibly improvements to this wonderful site. I have noticed that the server is extremely slow and that there are many new members signing up for an account. Again, I am not complaining about it but (not familiar where the PA server is located and the architecture of it) I would like this problem to be solved or improved. I have seen many posts in various threads and parts of the forum and found that many (posts) are not even related to the threads. There is also a large number of people on this site who are not members or people that sign up just to have membership privileges and not contributing to PA. (I have no right to say this, I am sorry because I have a lot of stressful school work and I promise to contribute once I am free, after finals before spring break*I cant wait*!) My suggestion is to limit the number of new members registering or penalize the people that are misusing or posting incorrectly. Seriously this is a really big problem since the server may crash due to the influx of people on the site. Another way to eliminate this problem is to purchase or rent a new server (which cost lots of $$$$). I would gladly contribute funds to the donation of a new server. Also, I would like to add that forum rules must be enforced (I am not sure if there is even rules or if they are enforced or not, I apologize for my ignorance and stupidity) I hope this letter has not offended anyone and I apologize for any unintentional offensive remarks. This letter is simply a suggestion/ recommendation. Thank you for taking your time to read this and I am sorry for the lengthy post.

  2. chiehc87

    chiehc87 Well-Known Member

    +1, post your length 'suggestion' in here.

    whoa .. it's almost one year since the PA suggestion was institutionalized. -thumbs up- lol. funny, PA hasn't blown up from all the ridiculous suggestions and spams that goes on the site. but still love PA .. woot!!
  3. thanks for taking your time over the output, to answer your suggestions we are currently in the process of saving up for a faster dedicated server which would run about $120-200 usd a month , we do intend to pay for it with the google ads you see around the site but are waiting to see if its a stable source of income as we've yet to recieve any checks or know how much we'll make on a monthly basis from it. We also have to pay for the radio and upgrade software lisences. The way it looks we will only almost be able to pay off the server. As for newbies who come to download, we've tried limiting access and other forms of restrictions in the past and this causes nothing but unrelated posts and spam. We've figured the best solution is to let them run at their own free will and if they feel thankful enough to post they will. For moderators we are working out that soon. Hopefully that answers some questions ;)
  4. Flyingpigs123

    Flyingpigs123 Member

    Thank you for your reply. I appreciate it. I'm sorry that I didn't post it in the correct category/place. I just have a question. What are the areas that the PA team is working on beside the server; like any other issues besides that? I just wanted to know the schedule and updates on them. I know that PA went through a remodeling/upgrade a month ago.

    I would like to hear from any moderators or anyone with the information.

  5. 小小

    小小 (゚ー゚)(。_。)(゚ー゚)(。_。) afk

    The dicussion sections still need more work and are unfinished and needs some re-organisations ditto with the d/l section (see the forum updated announcement)

    you wont see them coming tho till easter or summer at the latest :p