On Thursday, a press conference was held to announce details about the planned "LIAR GAME" sequel. It was first mentioned in April that the popular drama series was getting a second season and feature-length film. Based on a manga by Shinobu Kaitani, "LIAR GAME" originally aired in 2007. Erika Toda starred as an honest young woman who gets involved in a high-stakes game of deception, aided by an expert swindler (Shota Matsuda). The sequel will continue from the first season, with the main cast returning, including Michiko Kichise, Kosuke Suzuki, and Ikkei Watanabe. In the drama, the players will face off in four games and a semifinal round, while the final game will take place in the movie, titled "LIAR GAME: The Final Stage." Yasutaka Nakata (of capsule) will once again be handling the show's music. Fuji TV will start airing the drama in November, and the movie will open in theaters in February 2010. Credit: Tokyograph
wicked! i really enjoyed the first series... hope there'll be a lil bit of romance fluff between erika an shota ^^