Lily is rarely seen without a Chanel handbag, now she advertises them Lily is rarely seen without a Chanel handbag, now she advertises them Lily is prepared for her Chanel photoshoot The singer is often spotted out with her handbags Lily unveiled her new jewellery range this morning She's rarely seen out without one of her coveted collection of Chanel handbags. So perhaps it is no surprise that when Lily Allen branched out into modelling she chose the label. Newly released photos from an upcoming campaign show her cuddling bags from the Chanel Coco Cocoon range in undisguised delight. The photos were taken by Chanel designer Karl Lagerfield himself and show a playful Lily, unashamedly acting up for the camera. In other shots the 24-year-old wears a huge tiara and black catsuit as she pulls her sunglasses off her nose. The photos were taken by Chanel designer Karl Lagerfield himself and show a playful Lily, unashamedly acting up for the camera. In other shots the 24-year-old wears a huge tiara and black catsuit as she pulls her sunglasses off her nose. Over the years Lily's weight has fluctuated, but in the photos appears to be her most toned to date. Perhaps her slimmer frame is due to her preparations for the advertising campaign. Mail Online reported. Sources: Xinhua