Linda has no time to earn extra money

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by candy10013, Sep 21, 2008.

  1. candy10013

    candy10013 Well-Known Member


    Linda Chung was promoting her new album "Dinner Lovers" yesterday. She attended the name signing event in Fanling Centre. She also sang a few songs and played some games with her fans. She said she has gained so much experience through acting and she is more confident now.

    Following the success of "Moonlight Resonance", Linda has been busy getting offers from some shopping malls to do shows. Because she is doing another new TV series, she hasn't got spare time to earn extra money. Linda has quite a few of TV series lined up for her. After "Legend of the Demigods", her other TV series "The Gem of Life" will be shown in November.

    Translator:dragon888 @ http://www.************
  2. She doesn't have time to do anything..... lol
  3. elainemomo

    elainemomo Active Member

    good to see more of Linda series, i enjoy watching her very much....looking forward to the new series in Nov
  4. jcy_yan

    jcy_yan Well-Known Member

    I hope she doesn't cry in The Gem of Life....