Lindor Chocolate

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Shini_D, Dec 27, 2009.

  1. Shini_D

    Shini_D Well-Known Member

    0's been a while, but yeah...

    For my university assignment, I actually have a project on chocolate... And I've gone for Lindor chocolate... on PA, I ask for your opinions ladies/gents/leng jais/leng luis...

    "Do you perceive Lindor chocolate as feminine, sexy, extravagent?"
    Your opinion and why you think this is highly appreciated ^_^


    (I would assume this post goes here I guess...or would it be under food? >.<)
  2. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    So you are doing a project on Lindt Lindor Chocolate.
    "Do you perceive Lindor chocolate as feminine, sexy, extravagent?"
    No, since they are producing Chocolate balls and bars.
    Nothing feminine, sexy and extravagant, especially after South Park's Chef's Salty Chocolate Balls :S
  3. robsh

    robsh Well-Known Member

    feminine, sexy, extravagant?
    none of those
    i think its a chocolate that satisfies ones gluttonous urge for chocolates in a delicate way

  4. Katibear

    Katibear Well-Known Member

    I consider it posh chocolate :p

    Had some Christmas Day, nom nom!
  5. gawain187

    gawain187 Well-Known Member

    I just think Chocolates can be for anyone, the more important thing is whether it tastes good or not.
  6. The chocolate itself isn't meant to be sexy, how it is advertised can be, just take a quick google image search and you will see some ad's for it.... how they phrase the words on the front of their box of chocolates does subtly imply a sexual context, if you want to look into even further.... their truffles are round balls with creamy chocolate that "explodes" in your mouth if you bite into them..... (LOL, for a lack of better phrasing)
  7. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Following that statement
    "We then subconsciously appreciate when we receive a 'Lindor Chocolate', we may not thing of terms such as 'feminine, sexy, extravagent' but these terms are buried deep inside our thoughts."
  8. Shini_D

    Shini_D Well-Known Member

    ahh these are brilliant thanks guys! but more contribution and thoughts of others too would be greatly appreciated!

    So I assume people think of Lindt Lindor Chcolate as a "treat" and not necessarily like something you would go and buy just for the sake of something sweet (like going to your local confectionery store to buy a chocolate bar kind of thing)?

    By the way, here's one of the many Lindor commercials, people's opinion on that is appreciated also! =]

    Thanks so much again people!
  9. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Fill me up BABY... o_O
  10. coleman

    coleman New Member

    I've always viewed Lindor chocolates as generic "cheap" version of Godiva and Ghirardelli.
    I'm a guy, but I don't care what type of chocolate I get. My girlfriend gave me some Lindor truffles for my birthday and I enjoyed them. However, if I was going to buy someone important chocolate I would go for the Godiva.
  11. ^ wow i thought i was the only one... i always considered it to be cheap chocolate with them cheesy commercials. but yeah chocolate is chocolate, if its a pink hearts shaped valentines chocolate then its feminine otherwise.. its just chocolate. posh chocolate is hand made and not mass produced, yorkie bars are better than this imo.
  12. Katibear

    Katibear Well-Known Member

    ^ Well I guess I'm just cheap then :(


    Well, unfortunatley we don't get Godiva chocolate here :( I've tried it when I was in America though, on strawberry's... MMMM Best chocolate i've EVER tasted, and I'm a chocoholic... honestly.

    Also, that advert you posted Shini, to me is very sexual - the way that they did it... everything in slow motion, the woman's voice speaking, almost sounded like something out of a porn movie or something >_>
  13. ^ noo your not cheap, the chocolate being cheap is just my opinion and yours is just as valid, depends on if you like it or not, personal taste or w/e. i like thorntons and yorkie bars :D but ill eat anything really, double decker and boost is also nice but that aint really chocolate, more candy bars.

    ohh maaan, those cheesy commercials >.<
  14. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    feminine, sexy, extravagent?"

    those chocolate balls are consider to be an affordable gift for the mass audience, the package looks pretty simple but nice (the decorations)....i like how they have sth the white chocolate favor....Lindt gives me a family feeling because u can find them in basically anywhere, drug store --> department stores like walmart, it's sth simple that makes me happy when im eating it, cus its not pricey, it's def not feminine or sexy LOL, sth classy......they're diff than chocolate bars, chocolate bars are way cheaper than the balls, i would go to buy a bag of their chocolate balls if i want @ anytime, enjoy great chocolates at a lower price, same taste where u can find @ anywhere, @ anytime u want, ure just paying for the brand mostly when u purchase chocolates from named stores like Godiva

    i think in the commercial they're trying to build a classy & warm image for Lindt: made from great people and they taste great, look @ the swirls of chocolate that made up the ball, once put into ur mouth, melts ur heart
  15. Shini_D

    Shini_D Well-Known Member

    Everyone's opinions are so different, its really good! =)

    Well, my opinion (as this is my project and I should contribute), when I think of Lindor, again I don't think it's expensive or sexy...BUT...I do think it is feminine... I mean, through the advertising I feel like its more directed at a female target audience.

    But it is indeed a bargain, and I think the texture and taste is amazing EVEN WHEN I put the box of it in the fridge, it comes out, and the centre is still relatively smoother in comparison to the outter shell.

    I haven't tried Godiva I'm afraid =(
    ...But a friend of mine said that when I mentioned "Lindor" to him, he thought I was talking about "Ferrero Rocher" which is again another cheap chocolate but great quality, this one is actually made to look posh I think.

    BUT NOT GOING OFF TOPIC...(in other words back to Lindor...or Lindt)
    I think even the Lindt rabbit is cool, its so cute! Lol

    It's strange, because whilst all you guys here say no it isn't perceived this way, there is an equal amount of other people who I interviewed in person who actually agrees with the statement of it being "sexy, extravagent, feminine"... it's so weird... maybe different countries have different perceptions?
  16. sweetyam

    sweetyam Member

    I remember buying a box for $10 during christmas, can't be that extravagent.
    Like all chocolate, it tastes great though.
  17. yaa i bet you was strong-arming them into saying that :p ... jkjk
  18. Wukung

    Wukung Well-Known Member

    feminine, i like dem shinny wrappers
  19. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    you guys think this is cheap choccie? say its kinda middle range..yesh you can buy it in most
    high streets and supermarkets but it aint the same price as regular stuff like dairy milk or twix
    or kit costs a bit more and like that ferrro roch (cant spell it) =.= it costs a bit more than
    others so its slightly higher and a bit more luxurious...
  20. blkperc

    blkperc Well-Known Member

    what i think is that it's targeted towards women, and because of this lindt kinda position its product in the mind of the target consumer that it's product is "feminine", and "sexy."
    also, like what brown_bear was saying it is a little bit more pricey so you can label it as luxurious over other chocolate.

    but i'm a guy so w/e chocolate is chocolate, i just kinda put what i learned in marketing into this...-sweat