Liu Yi Fei To Join Jackie Chan and Jet Li In Project

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by Maverick, Mar 21, 2007.

  1. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Liu Yi Fei To Join Jackie Chan and Jet Li In Project


    According to recent rumors, Chinese rising superstar Liu Yi Fei -inlove , better known as Crystal Liu, has agreed to sign onto the Journey to The West project, also starring martial arts actors Jackie Chan and Jet Li.

    Both Chan and Li have expressed huge interest in playing roles in this project, and Journey To The West is expected to begin in mid 2007.

    Jet Li will appear as The Monkey King and Liu Yi Fei is expected to play one of the two major female roles in the story. Jackie Chan will play several smaller parts.

    Reportedly, since this is Chan and Li’s first movie together, action scenes will compromise 60% of the entire movie.
  2. i jus hope they don't make it all Disney like.. and there better be a canton audio track!! -lol
  3. tis me

    tis me Well-Known Member

    I wonder who Crystal is supposed to play.. and I can't believe that Jackie Chan is playing several SMALLER parts??
  4. Logy

    Logy Well-Known Member

    lets just hope there as little cgi as possible
  5. o0olalas

    o0olalas Well-Known Member

    hope this movie will be good and it better be in cantonese and have alot of action with the fighting xP
  6. laziboi

    laziboi Well-Known Member

    bahaha jet li as monkey king, that would be wierd. stil interested in watching though :p
  7. WinterSky

    WinterSky Well-Known Member

    i can't wait to see jet li kick some more @ss... cept didn't he say somthing like he wouldn't do the type of fighting style he did in the past? so i wonder if he'll actually change it to a softer form of martial arts o_O
  8. dragopyre

    dragopyre Well-Known Member

    i thought this was a prank in another thread where there was a photoshopped pic of jet li as the monkey king. So this is real news?
  9. Crysal Liu Yi Fei gonna be in movies with Jet Li and Jackies Chan, this movie will be good whatever female role she will play