Live streaming TV Set top Box

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by gillian_chung, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. gillian_chung

    gillian_chung Member

    Been researching around for a set top box that can stream live TV (mainly TVB ) on your TV in the living room but haven't really yet come across one...
    Sopcast has one but I think its only available in China :rl:
    Netgear will soon launch there new ITV2000 which is internet tv player...not sure if that will work...
    the US are using something called the Slingbox...not really sure how that works...

    any ideas??
  2. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    I am using an XBOX1 (so not XBOX 360) for this purposes. It has been softmodded and I installed XBOX Media Center (XBMC) on it. I still need to play SopCast on my server though in order for XBMC to stream from it using the method described here. Anyway, this method is probably a bit too technical as well.

    The other option is to build or buy a Home Theater PC (HTPC) and optionally use the SopCast Windows Media Player (WMP) plugin to play the streams directly using WMP.

    There must be some multimedia set-top boxes out there that can stream from the Internet, for example using PopCorn Hour it appears to be possible to stream from SopCast (see here). Anyway, I have no experience with these set-top boxes, so I'll leave it to others to comment on that.