Liza cries and recalls battle with cancer

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by Maverick, May 15, 2007.

  1. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Liza cries and recalls battle with cancer


    Liza Wang attended the 1st "Angel Plan"(non-official English name) organized by the Hong Kong Cancer Association yesterday. As one of the honoured commitee member of the HK Cancer Association, Liza was invited to present the "Angel" awards to five people that look after Cancer patients. Liza was extremely touched by the stories of the 5 awardees that tears started streaming down her cheeks. The speeches caused her to remember the times when both herself and Mr.Law were fighting cancer (Liza-a two time cancer survivor). It was indeed a touching scene.

    During the event, Liza was so touched by the 5 stories and cried several times. Liza mentioned that this kind of event should be held more often, as she felt most Chinese people seldom speak their mind and seldom show their real emotions in front of other people. When asked about Mr. Law and her own cancer ordeal, Liza felt that family support is the strongest energy when one is combating cancer. However, she chose to fight cancer alone. She responded, "At that time there was something wrong with my thyroid. I had to go through a lot of chemotherapies, but I didn't tell my parents even though I know it would be easier to fight it with family's support. I chose to face the problem by myself and only told my family about it after I was cured." Someone asked Liza why she didn't share her experience with the public. She replied, "I don't want people to think that I'm advertising myself".

    When asked about Mr. Law, Liza said she couldn't take care of him even though she knew he had cancer. "When Mr. Law was fighting his liver cancer, I was busy filming for War of In Laws (WOIL) and I didn't have time to look after him. His mother wasn't very healthy at that time, so we didn't tell her until after his surgery. I'm glad that he got well really quick.

    Later that night, Liza attended the "Mont Blanc de la Culture International Award" award presenting ceremony with Mr Law at her side. Many HK celebrities like Dodo Cheng also came forward to congratulate Liza.

    Pics from the HK Cancer Society's 1st angel plan award giving ceremony.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Pics from the Mont Blanc Award Ceremony

    Sources: Various HK Newspapers