Liza Wang redeems the poor performance of TVB's low class army

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by Maverick, Jun 23, 2007.

  1. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Liza Wang redeems the poor performance of TVB's low class army


    CCTV held an event to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to China. They held a "Same Song: ITAT night" major concert at the top floor carpark of Hoi Wun Complex. Over 10 celebrities participated in this event and was attended by 1500 people.

    Apart from Hong Kong Celebrities, there were also celebrities from Mainland China, Liza Wang, Gordan Lam, Alec Su, Gigi Leung, Miriam Yeung, Lui Fong, Andy Hui. TVB also sent out Raymond Lam, Shirley Yeung, Bernice Liu, Tracy Ip etc. The hosts for the night were Eric Tsang, Dodo Cheng, etc.

    Liza Wang, Ah Jie, : This is a good year

    The concert started at 8pm sharp and Liza Wang was the first to appear. Wearing a stunning and elegant white dress, Liza performed 2 of her many memorable duets, "Love and Passion" and "Brave Chinese Citizen". Eric Tsang caused a roar of laughter when he introduced Liza by referring to her as, "The Queen of all Ah Jies" Liza talked about her feelings about HK's return to China on stage, "10 years has gone by, but this year is the best year. Hong Kong is doing well both politically and economically. We should appreciate what we have today as we worked hard to earn it. We should strive and persevere and work even harder for a better tomorrow.

    Raymond Lam: Extremely touched

    Andy Hui said that he is proud to be a chinese citizen. All the economic problems have been solved and Hong Kong is going through an economic boost. This is definitely the best year since Hong Kong's return to China. Raymond Lam said that he is not too familiar with the Chinese culture, but he is still extremely touched. He feels that Hong Kong's return to China has brought a lot of good things to Hong Kong both socially and economically. In addition, he feels that the Chinese consumer market is extremely huge and would attract many investors to invest in China. Even the celebrities are moving into the Chinese market.

    TVB's bunch of "Low Class Army" gave a disappointing amd embarrassing performance. They lip-synced throughout the show. And when Eric Tsang interviewed them in mandarin, they were unable to give a good reply. Tracy Ip only gave a very short reply in english and then in mandarin. Bernice Liu did not even bother to reply in mandarin and asked if she can reply in english instead. Thankfully, TVB has Liza Wang as their saviour. Her appearance redeemed the faces of the Chinese citizens.


    Source: Various HK Media