Liza Wang - select few to vote for HK Chief Executive

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by doink, Mar 26, 2007.

  1. doink

    doink Member

    HONG KONG: The territory's China-backed leader Donald Tsang, got another term in the office yesterday when the handful of elite residents allowed to vote easliy re-elected him against a pro-democracy challenger. The nearly 800 members of the election committee are the only people in the territory of nearly seven million people allowed to vote for the chief executive, and they gave Mr Tsang a 649-123 win over Alan Leong.

    Ah Jie, Liza Wang, appeared at the HK chief executive voting station yesterday to cast her vote for the HK chief executive post.

    Dressed to the nines, Liza was spotted taking pictures of the billboards that had various information about the on-going election. When asked why she was so eager to take pictures of the billboard, Liza explained that as only selected individuals are allowed to cast their vote, many people thought that this election is not important. Thus, Liza decided to take some pictures of the information about this election and then post them in her official website , in order to update her fans about her daily activities and also to educate them about this election.

    Ah Jie is definitely worth respecting. Other than having talents in both singing and talking, Liza also excels in the political arena. Although she is busy with her political duties, Liza doesn't forget to educate and update the general public.