anyone know a TV HDD media player that plays .rm and .rmvb files ? real player files im from france so i can only buy it by internet since there isnt a single store or french website selling that i found some random results on google but it doesnt seems to be some trustworthy website =/
One alternative would be to get a (soft)modded xbox1 (or do it yourself) and then use the XBOX Media Center ( That's what I am using. If you can spend more money, you can also build a Home Theater PC (HTPC). Obviously both of these are most probably bigger than a HDD media player, but like in France, here in Holland I have not heard of or seen any HDD media players that can play RealMedia files.
Here in Australia we have a Box by Midte model no. PM339RS which plays RMVB and a whole lot of other files which works quite well. Not sure if you can find it over there tho.
My sister has an RMVB HDD player hooked up to the downstairs TV. She got it from ebay. I don't know of any stores that would actually sell those though.