Love as a Predatory Affair 愛情食物鏈 (2016)

Discussion in 'Chinese Drama Discussion' started by charlestsy, Jan 10, 2016.

  1. tvb-love-as-a-predatory-affair-2016.jpg

    English Title:
    Love as a Predatory Affair

    Chinese Title:


    Tsui Ching Hung


    Kitty Yuen
    King Kong
    Jason Chan
    Samantha Ko
    Stephanie Ho
    Brian Tse
    C Gwan
    Susan Tse
    Griselda Yeung
    Paisley Wu
    Ronald Law
    Lee Kwok Lun

    They say love is like a food chain. Having beauty and wealth is exactly like being on top of the hill—they are the most desirable, the most suitable, and the most likely to find a life partner. But should love be defined by materialism and physical appearances?

    Lo Kwai-fong (Kitty Yuen) is an average, short, thirty-something year-old food supplier agent who is completely inexperienced when it comes to love. But after helping the young restauranteur Lau Pak-yip (Jason Chan) and saving his business, the handsome businessman begins to appreciate Kwai-fong’s inner beauty and falls in love with her.

    But Kwai-fong’s neighbor and close friend, the beautiful Ko Kwai-fun (Samantha Ko), is not very pleased to find out about her friend’s new relationship. No matter what she does, she cannot seem to get Pak-yip to bat an eyelash at her. However, she does end up catching the attention of Taiwanese Ta-a noodles specialist Hung Hsien (King Kong), who is willing to do just about anything for her.

    Unable to win Pak-yip’s heart, Kwai-fun makes a move on his older brother, Lau Lei-ko (Timothy Cheng) instead. Meanwhile, Pak-yip and Kwai-fong’s relationship starts to approach a red light as Pak-yip begins to face pressure from others due to their atypical pairing. Pak-yip and Kwai-fong’s relationship breaks the robust chain of love, and now the hunters and the hunted have to face challenges that they never thought they would have to face before.

    Pretty sure this comedy yet romantic drama will keep us laughing till Valentines Day, good job TVB
    #1 charlestsy, Jan 10, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2016
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  2. [​IMG]

    her first series :hmm:
  3. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member


    Yeah her. She looks really weird in the film. I would prefer VERONICA. Wonder why she ain't in drama?

    Overall this drama is something new after all the killing stuff.
  4. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member

    TVB finally doing it w/ the drama.
  5. funny show my fav char is c-kwan the guy so bak chee ahha. :kelefe:
  6. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    im loving this series its funny!!!

    the characters names are very original :clap2:
  7. Xzyrus

    Xzyrus Well-Known Member

    Anyone able to identify the song playing in Pete (Jason Chan)'s car in Episode 8 roughly 15:21 into the episode?

    Even though Samantha Ko's characters mentioned it was "When You Hold My Hands" I've been unable to find anything that sounds like it.
    #7 Xzyrus, Jan 20, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2016
  8. D Cup baeby Hestia :detect:
  9. gd6noob

    gd6noob Well-Known Member

    cant believe im really enjoying this show...
  10. Xzyrus

    Xzyrus Well-Known Member

    English Insert Song:

    No artist info available. Sound Hound and Shazam fail.
  11. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    although I am enjoying this drama, there are a lot of parts and character development that REALLY bothered me

    let's go with C-Kwan's character...his character irks me in a very wrong way
    -a typical lazy kid who don't work hard and would do anything to be accepted. Kitty's family all hates him and the youngest daughter CLEARLY has no interest in him, and yet he always shows up...he gets insulted and trolled constantly by the family, a normal human being would have enough pride to just tell them to "fuck off" least that's what I would do. Also, yesterday's episode where he indirectly made the kid and Kitty's younger sister argue, that was intentional I know, but VERY despicable. I hate it when people instigate between's none of his business, move the fuck on.

    I think TVB is trying to portray an average Hong Kong girl in this character...a typical mid 20s girl star-dreaming and having a Cinderella dream. So would a typical Hong Kong girl really go to such trouble to get there, by disregarding her origins, calling her mom a maid? I would so wear that proudly...I came from a poor background and I worked hard for it! With her success in this drama, I feel she is digging herself a giant hole that will make it impossible for her to climb out of. Especially if Jason Chen and the public finds out about her real back story.

    Kam Kong-
    -see C-Kwan's character.

    I think this may also be the first series where I actually enjoyed watching Kitty Yuen...and Stephanie Ho isn't too shabby in this drama...I didn't like Steph in her first ancient drama, barely watched the lawyer one but heard she improved in that one as well. She's kinda cute with longer hair imo.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. shes a terrible person :smh: Ep16 i want to smack herr :john:
  13. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    yea, I'm actually following this drama for some reason, maybe cuz I like cooking shows or dramas, was a big fan of the two cooking dramas in the 90s from Bobby. Kitty is doing a fine job in this one.

    But I have a feeling Hestia's character is heavily implying the mentality of modern HK girls. The dream big but embarrassed by their roots. It also shows another problem in my opinion which is probably universal...most poor areas, the parents work so much they neglect the children so they don't get proper teaching of right and wrong. Hestia is heavily spoiled by her mother as seen during their argument shortly after the restaurant scene. Maybe cuz I'm also getting older, so when the restaurant scene came up, I actually got quite angry...

    To me, maybe cuz I'm the type of person who doesn't give a fuck about how people think about me, I'm not embarrassed by my roots, if anything, I wear that proudly and show people as long as you work hard, you can do anything. Judging by TVB's usual storyline, I think Hestia will hit rock bottom but it's ok, her friends and family still love her and she'd end up working at the fish market again towards the end all happy.
  14. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member

    This drama ended well.... haha.. the fish mom is the best. really enjoy her acting.

    That villian Regal always plays the role so good. he should wint TVB KING. not scar face porno anthony wong.

    TRUEXDREAMS Well-Known Member

    Pretty funny series.