Love in Cemetery?

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by negiqboyz, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    What is wrong with kids these days?

    Today is Ching Ming so I went up to the cemetery with my family. It was crowded so we have to park like 5 miles away and walked up the hills. Anyway, what I saw and heard was just too much ... guys and gals asking each others out on dates .. matchmaking between parents .. WTF .. this is CHING MING .. not family reunion. Very disrespectful to the dead .. don't you think? People were smoking, eating, and talking .. very social .. music was blasted loudly, some even sang oldies, and kids played with firecrakers .. Is this CHINESE NEW YEAR? Some even spitted on the ground .. totally disgusted with everything .. This supposed to be a high end cemetery .. all the ppl made it looked dirt cheap .. trashes were everywhere unlike the typical green I see when I visit on other day of the year.

    I spoke with my parents .. perhaps we should move my grandparents to another cemetery further away where we could probably buy a bigger section and actually build a fence around it. This is freaking ridiculous.
  2. ^ Here's my two cents:

    1) It's not just "these days". Humanity has existed for thousands of years. This behavior is not limited to today's epoch.
    2) It's not just kids.
    3) It is only disrespectful if you were raised with values that find it disrespectful.
    4) As you know Qingming festival (or Tet Thanh Minh in Vietnamese culture), is essentially a day where you pay respect to the dead. The way you pay respect differs from people to people. Some, like you, prefer to mourn. Others prefer to celebrate, to remember the dead. Just because it goes against what you value, does not mean they find it disrespectful. (aside from that spitting part).

    TL;DR: Just because you find it disrespectful does not mean it is disrespectful. And this is not just something that just happens to occur recently. This behavior has always been around. The behavior of others have nothing to do with you directly. So either ignore it, or move to a different area. However the fence thing is kind of exaggerating, unless they are vandalizing.
  3. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    in other's okay to have sex there and the church remember kids, it's only disrespectful for some, not all....
  4. Lol stop being a smart ass. I didn't think people were dumb enough for the need to mention in my previous post that common social ethics still need to be abided to. :facepalm:

    So let me add: This topic has nothing to do with common social ethics. It has more to do with people's values system. Behavior like vandalism, spitting, sex in public places obviously fall under society's ethics, not cultural ethics, and are thus frowned upon. However OP's topic was about celebration/not mourning during Qingming, not about people having sex at cemeteries and religious institutions.
  5. lmfao hahahhaa.. :facepalm: damn.. here was thinking you ran into some kids doing it in the cemetery..

    but I went today also, saw a family with a big ass pig.. a whole pig! n there was crab n lobster.. whole family was chillin n eatin' there.. it was crazy..
  6. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    yo its not a funeral! Not many people believe that you should be emo at a cemetery especially if you are there for someone who has long passed. Besides unless you believe in afterlife/soul etc its just bones and dirt under there no ones gonna mind. Well probably you, in that case maybe your cemetery wasn't high end enough? Maybe you should pay even more than the already ridiculous price to bury the dead nowadays.
  7. I'm willing to pay some ridiculous prices to bury yo ass.. alive!
  8. sounds like my family LOL...-lol

    i had always said eating there is disrespectful but it's like a tradition after were done everything-whistle

  9. Aznmask

    Aznmask Well-Known Member

    where is the cemetery at?

    Anyway chinese culture believe if you bring a whole pig and more foods and be happy. It is the most respect thing family can do.

    Or do you like family wear white cloth, bring only fruit and cry like in funeral?
  10. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Get a couple drinks. Some food. Hit the cemetery.
  11. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    It's not like just because its "high end" they have rules that prohibit people remembering their loved ones by celebrating instead of mourning. I didn't know there were high end cemeteries lol. Anyway, yeah if you really don't like it you should just move them then but I don't think those people were in the wrong (except for the spitting part)