Love is without conditions

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Ztevieboy, Aug 4, 2007.

  1. Ztevieboy

    Ztevieboy New Member

    I couldn't find a topic specifically dedicated on this word, if I missed please inform me and I remove it.

    I have checked the most topics around this section, you can actually solve/relief your questions with this sentence.

    "Love is to live someone so completly, that nothing they can ever do or say would destroy the way you feel about them"

    I am not claiming my version is right, just give it a as an extra option.
    Also some may already know this sentence, but knowing, realizing and accepting are 3 different levels.
    This ultimatly means take responsible when you say "I love you" , yes words are easy to say it out if not you can train for it but how many realize the consequences or actually do taking this responsible themself.

    (This is from a point of a couple, love can be used in a infinite wide or ways.)

    First I think nobody say "I love you" to anyone you meet/see around you not even your bf/gf at first met.
    Ask yourself why not. (remember your answer)
    But there is and there will be a time you will say (or just thinking) it. Ask again yourself why would you? (remember your answer)
    Well, I can't speak for everyone but basiccaly you don't say to anyone is because you don't know him/her enough or you just hate him/her at that time. And the reason why you would is because you think you know it all and its what you all like.

    Thats the core of all the love problems. At the point you say "I love you" you are actually telling yourself and I
    mean only yourself, that you think and feel you know all about the person at that moment, therefore if he/she changed anytime out of your expectation you will not love him/her anymore. (Some may not accepting, oppsite of love is to not to love)

    Expectation and Dissapointed are the 2 kills of a relation.
    We all are unique individuals, no matter how much we try to looks like someone else, no matter how hard you try to act like someone else. How many of us can honestly be yourself at all time. I work at a take-a-way store, I have to smile at all time too but there are moments when you can be yourself if you want but we are taking the mask back to home, back to your closes ones. I am not forcing anyone anything as I am just at trying phase. Again, knowing, realizing and accepting are different levels.

    (you can know/heard the earth is a sphere, you can make mathematical measurements to make you really realize it but it doesn't mean you accepting the earth is a sphere, the only way to truely accepting is to make a world trip or go outer space.
    You can know smoking is bad, you will realize it when you your health is not so going but that doesn't mean you are accepting it, the only way to truely accepting is to stop.)

    Just bear in mind, you and we are wearing a mask most of the time, therefore we are not ourself. We act and say things what you think/learned it should be that fits the morality, ok here it comes, so you were never yourself at the fullest (not even close). You go married (or at the point you 2 are that close to that)
    you finally expressing yourself a little by little, even not, you and we all just change by the seconds.
    You cannot force or supress someone to stay the way he/she was at the moment you love him/her. Thats the whole point.


    You buy your gf a rose every month but what if she don't like is anymore?
    Scenario 1: she will just say no. (bf might react)
    Scenario 2: She will supress her self to stay the way she thinks and feel that her bf would love her the most.

    Don't take this examply to serious, is not just the rose ok.You can fit anything you like.
    Honest is not exposing your bank account, honest is not telling your deepest thoughts, honest starts within yourself. What have no inside, have nothing to give outside. If we where only more ourself (there is always that time and moment but some are just hard to find) we wouldn't supress ourself for someone we love, we wouldn't change in a sudden as we were wearing a mask before.

    So, I say accepting the consequences and take the fully responsible on yourself when you saying it.
    Try to be yourself when you are at the person you like so you wouldn't suddenly change to someone else after marriage. Also give your partner the freedom to be themselves. Only to be yourself, you can dodge a trememdous future issues.
    Age, build, looks, income, status, time, sex, etc are no matter aslong you were yourself.
    The person loves you as you are but if you all just pretending and not be yourself, the opposite is not loving you anymore.
  2. jlyn_c

    jlyn_c Member

    well i do agree with you that love is without conditions. if you really love a person you will give your whole heart into the relationship and accept nothing in return. that's why love is the greatest thing ever but it will also destroy a person if you are not careful in dealing with it........
  3. philostrate

    philostrate Well-Known Member

    i gotta agree with you that human wear masks to conceal their true feelings and emotions. this is human's nature to be skeptical.I know I couldn't stop myself from giving good first impression or loving someone with condition..but think about it. why would people stop loving someone when the person is not up to his/her expectation anymore? take your rose example, for scenario 1, the girl doesn't like rose anymore and she just said no...the bf might have 2 reactions: a: bf will respect the girl and won't buy her rose but bought her something else, b: the bf was hurt and their relationship deteriorated...

    loving someone without condition don't come from one requires mutual understanding and interaction. and sometimes it's hard to achieve because of emotions and other reasons...refering to the above example. if the bf chooses a, then it can prolong the girl's interest on him...but as many people has said, love isn't about money. if the girl likes her bf just because her bf bought her something nice, that isn't the real love. If the bf chooses b instead, both parties ended up hurt, because the girl thinks the bf is not caring and the bf thinks the gf doesn't appreciate his intention..

    What i was trying to point out is that it's hard to achieve unconditional lovingly as a person is, he/she won't love people who are trying to harm's also human's nature to become protective and defensive.
  4. kashigal

    kashigal Well-Known Member

    I agree. Because many a times human are just wearing a mask to many places. Home or even school; Even to your closest friend. I have always felt that accepting is never that easy because different people have different ideals in life. =)
  5. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Well put Ztevieboy. However, at this age and time, just the simple "i love you" is no longer that simple. Many a times, there are different factors which might affect a relationship. "Love is to let live" is a very broad statement because love also comprises of sacrificing oneself at some points to accomodate the other person's views, emotions, thoughts and such...
  6. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    wow thats a really good piece of text on love...also love can also be misinterpreted and will cause pain, happen to some of my I'm actually scared of falling love or maybe I'm actually feeling that I'm not quite ready or understand it...but seriously...I think there is no way a person could fully understand love...