Lydia Sum Rushed To Hospital

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by shinobi, Oct 11, 2007.

  1. [​IMG]

    (Daughter Joyce Cheng & Former husband Adam Cheng)
    Thursday October 11, 2007 Hong Kong

    Vivacious TV celebrity Lydia Sum (沈殿霞) was discovered unconscious in her Kowloon Tong home this morning at around 10:00 am. She was immediately rushed to the casualty Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH), accompanied by her daughter Joyce Cheng (鄭欣宜).

    After several hours of emergency attention, the doctors reported that her condition was stable and she was transferred to the Queen Mary Hospital (QMH) at around 1:00 pm, where she is receiving further treatment in the intensive care unit.

    As the news broke, a large group of reporters flocked to QEH, eager for some news of Lydia's condition. Security was stepped up and her privacy was maintained as staff put up sheets to hide her while she was being treated and during her transfer, when ten police officers and members of hospital staff were sent to escort her and keep the media at bay. Security staff at QMH also formed a human wall to keep the reporters away.

    Lydia and Joyce were accompanied by close family friends Mrs Chang (張徹太太) and the son of Tina Chan (陳淑芬). Mrs Chang was asked to confirm the reports that Lydia had fallen unconscious and she replied that it was just the reports and Lydia often has to undergo check-ups. Lydia's consultant Dr Lo emerged from the hospital at around 3:00 pm and was asked to comment on Lydia's condition, but he refused on the grounds of patient confidentiality.

    Lydia's ex-husband Adam Cheng (鄭少秋) was spotted visiting her at around 5:00 pm and was quickly surrounded by reporters. He said that he only heard about the news from watching the news and he decided to come and see her because he could not contact his daughter, Joyce. Asked if he was worried about Lydia, he told the reporters to let him get into the hospital so he will not get even more worried.

    When Adam emerged again an hour later, he was asked whether or not Lydia had been intubated. He said that she requires assistance with her breathing at the moment and she is awake, but she is unable to speak and is just indicating her will by nodding or shaking her head. Asked about the rumours that Lydia's eyes were flipped backwards when she was admitted to hospital, Adam said that ordinary people sometimes show their eyeballs while sleeping.

    Adam praised his daughter for her maturity and strength in handling the situation and holding back her tears. Joyce left the hospital with Mrs Chang and Mr Chan at around 9:00 pm, and ignored the questions from the reporters, just saying that she wanted to go home.

    Lydia was first admitted to hospital in September 2006, when she was treated for cancer of the liver and gallbladder. Discharged in November 2006, she slowly regained her strength, but her health has always remained a concern.

    credits: batgwa.
    #1 shinobi, Oct 11, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2007
  2. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Hope she'll be alrite.
  3. ray89

    ray89 Well-Known Member

    sigh... i dont care if its a reporter's job to get the story and stuff but god damn everytime i hear reports blocking the way and stuff at a hospital when someone is in need of attention i just want to kill them all... god damn if ne one dies cuz they cant get to the emergancy or so the doctor can see them BLAME IT ON THE REPOTERS!!!! god damn FAGS/KILLERS
  4. BigM

    BigM Well-Known Member

    Hope she does better

    ray89-That's apparently what happened when Princess Diana had the car crash. Apparently reporters scrambled onto the crashed car taking pictures of her dying and no one, not even 1 reporter bothered to help. Where is the human conscience??
  5. freeminded

    freeminded Well-Known Member

    I hope she will get welll soon. She been sick for a year already.
  6. honkiebonkie

    honkiebonkie Well-Known Member

    People just think about the money these days..
    who can get to best scoop or pictures..
    best reports..
    noone actually CARES about the actual incident..
    if no money was involved in the reporting process id doubt many people would be bothered to go and ask her if shes okay. And already rumours have formulated.. quite sad actually..
  7. michelle7879

    michelle7879 Well-Known Member

    Wish her get well soon.. and hope so the reporters... give them some space... dun always
    surrounded them and asking tis or tat..cos.. their family members is already very worried of Lydia Shum
    and tired of all these question..

  8. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    hope she gets better soon....*
  9. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    Best wishes to her recover, her laughter is a source of happiness.
  10. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member

    So was it a attempted suicide? or was it something else?
  11. ogbaka

    ogbaka Well-Known Member


    it is just like that english movie where the reporters shows up to take pictures of car accident instead of calling 911 for gossip mag.

    sucks to be too well know... and then all your privacy is gone
    then again i guess it is a price so people are willing to pay to be rich and famous
  12. rockman3

    rockman3 Well-Known Member

    SHe is the laughter queen of TVB ~~~!! Hope she recovers well!!!
  13. unclelooi

    unclelooi Well-Known Member

    i hope she will get well soon....
  14. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    im surprised at how the reporters could get there so quickly and be able to tape her being brought inside an ambulance.
  15. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    being a reporter suck lol, always gonna be hated on and have to be somewhat un-humane for the job

    Hope Lydia Sum is gonna be ok, so much of her friends gone to cancer, anita mui and roman tam...hopefully she'll be alright.
  16. CooCoo

    CooCoo Member

    Hope she gets well soon. Really miss her laughter....
  17. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Although I hardly watch TVB I know that Shum Ting Ha is a real TVB icon, hope she gets well soon :(
  18. nicole

    nicole Well-Known Member

    That's sad to hear. Hope she gets better soon.
  19. machwnor

    machwnor Well-Known Member

    i wish fei jeh will get will soon...cant believe she is already 60 yrs old
  20. asiangang

    asiangang Well-Known Member

    no...shes sick...has says in the article..