Lynn, Jennifer Tse, Ana R and William Tang (fashion designer) attended the activities of "October Breast Cancer Awareness" in Time Square the other day. Lynn put on a pink/beige sweetheart dress for the occasion. She revealed that her father had been working for many years as a doctor so she has seen women with breast cancer having their breasts removed. She is very conscious about it therefore she has regular check ups. Speaking about the rumor that women with big breasts have a higher chance of getting breast cancer, Lynn responded "It is definitely not me, I don't have big breasts, only little ones." Lynn's birthday is on the 10th and disclosed that she does not have a date yet. Asked if Aaron ( rumored boyfriend) contacted her? Lynn replied "Not yet, because I think he is busier than me. I like jewelry, but not a ring. I want my future husband to give me a ring." Source:MingPao Translator:dragon888 @ http://www.************