Maggie Q and Hollywood actor, Dylan McDermott, are reportedly engaged. At the 72nd Annual Golden Globes Awards, Maggie was spotted wearing an engagement ring while linking arms with Dylan. Maggie and Dylan fell in love after starring in CBS’s thriller, Stalker, together. Despite their 18-year-age gap, sparks flew quickly between them on set. Dylan praised that Stalker is worth watching simply because of Maggie. In September, Maggie and Dylan were spotted on a date, which exposed their romance. The couple often displays their affection publicly, and was subsequently photographed each with a hand on the other’s bottom. While their romance has undeniably developed at a whirlwind speed, Maggie and Dylan’s representatives have not yet responded over the marriage rumors. Maggie Q’s Dating History Being of Irish, Polish, and Vietnamese decent, Maggie Q’s stunning features attracted many pursuers in the past. After starring in a string of popular Hong Kong movies, Maggie’s Hollywood break came with Mission: Impossible III. Other roles in Live Free or Die Hard, Nikita, and Divergent followed. In Maggie’s early career, she dated Daniel Wu (吳彥祖). Maggie was later involved with Justin Long, Brett Ratner, and Thomas Care, whom was married at the time he was linked with Maggie. Creds: Sina
too bad her and daniel couldnt work out they would of been ultimate asian couple would of made hot babies