List some of your major turn-offs from the opposite sex. My turn-offs: lazy dirty arrogant cheapskate clingyness over-emotional mean
bad breath untrimmed nosehair shakes his leg burping cheapskate inconsiderate all talk no action no immediate goals lack of manners bad grammar short tempered little or no sense of humor road rage being TOO available complaining/whining white socks with dress shoes controlling disgruntledness
i saw a girl pick her nose the other day...definitely a turn off! At least use a tissue or something.
inconsiderate rude mean irresponsible immature overpowering!!! Someone I know likes to watch reality shows, but her bf made her stop watching them. He hated those shows and he was overpowering and want everything to go his way. The girl gets really scared of watching them now 'cos she remembers how she was treated in that debate. That was so horrible of him. Me and my friends were there during that debate.
White socks with dress shoes? damn girl. i wont wear black socks unless its a formal event, but when im at the clubs with my dress shoes on i normally wear white socks. No ones ever going to see your socks. I can see why being too available is a turnoff. there is no challenge involved. my turn offs: overly dramatic and personal baggage. Dont be bringing your problems into my house and dont create drama just because. And dont get me started on Fake b1tches.
Ugh, some people are so controlling. Does that guy control what underwear the girl wears as well as when she can go to the restroom and what kind of toilet paper she has to use?? The controlling type is a HUGE turnoff. I must add bad hygiene to the list as well...
controlling or taking charge? see thas what I dont get when some girls want a guy to take charge and decide things for them or open doors for them, but when the guy finally does it, they say he's too controlling??
hmm...well, taking charge is not a bad thing. A lot of girls hate it when guys are indecisive. For example, letting her decide on EVERYTHING in the relationship. But in the case that peachey and shy are talking about, the guy practically controlls EVERY single aspect of the girl's life, and not giving her any freedom or room to breath. My sister once went out with this guy who was controlling. He wouldn't let her wear certain types of clothing, and talk to certain ppl of whom she's been friends with even BEFORE she met him! He said he was only doing it for her own good, but we all know it's bullcrap. Eventually, she couldn't stand him anymore and they broke it off.
Hmmm this is how i see it, both guys and girls have no idea the difference between taking charge and being in control. A girl might think that when a guy takes charge and makes all the decisions they feel secure like "im being taken care of" but then there are guys that make personal decisions for the girl and control how they should live. I think both guys and girls mix this up and it can screw up any relationship. Its like losing ones individualism, being treated like a robot and not being able to think and do things by choice. I mean everyone should be able to have the right to decide want they want to do, but somethings it would be nice to have someone to guide u through life and be able to help u decide what to do.
good ish -clapclap. Here's another turn-off people that stuuhh stuhh suhh stuuh suuhh suh stuuuu ddderrr... cuz the suspense -dead me.
ugly nottin in common too sticky ugly bad breath controling this is jus a lil.. i haev way more turn-offs-_-2
Mine would be self-centeredness, Material/superficial things are more important, not caring for others, and many more.
My major turn-offs: Inconsiderate for others Mean Full of Himself Too Talkative Whimpy Immature Lazy No respect for Elders