Man Accidentally Kills Self With Gun During Demonstration On Gun Safety

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by shinobi, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]

    A man from Independence Township, Michigan, accidentally shot himself to death on Monday while teaching his girlfriend about gun safety, the Oakland Press reports.

    The 36-year-old man, whose name has not been released, was showing his girlfriend how his three handguns are safe when they aren’t loaded, according to the Detroit Free Press. He was attempting to demonstrate the safety of the handguns by holding them to his head and pulling the trigger.

    The third gun fired, and the man was struck in the head. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

    Three children ages 7, 10, and 12 were in the home, but did not witness the shooting, according to reports. The man's girlfriend told authorities he had been drinking most of the day before the incident took place.

    This isn't the first time a gun safety demonstration has gone wrong. In January 2013, 18-year-old Florida resident Alexander Xavier Shaw died doing a similar demonstration. Richard M. McLean, a 22-year-old from Michigan, died in a similar fashion in June 2012. Missouri resident James Looney, 40, was also teaching his girlfriend about gun safety when he shot himself in the head in September 2009.

    credits: huffingtonpost
  2. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    I know technically it's not suppose to lead a bullet go, that's why it's "safe" to put it against your head.

    With that being said, why not take the extra precaution and not aim it on your own head when demonstrating..?
  3. cause first gun safety rule.. don't drink while shooting..
  4. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Remember this guy?


    Seriously though, I was taught to always consider a weapon loaded; never point it at anyone unless you meant to kill them, and least of all do you ever point it at yourself for any reason. And, then there's this guy: Jon-Erik Hexum.
    #4 ralphrepo, Mar 3, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2014